This site is slowly being rewritten, so MANY of the following How To links currently do not work.
💖=Rebuilt, 😔=Not rebuilt
If the example you need is missing, email me the example's name and/or URL and I'll try to get it for you as soon as I can.
If you find errors in the examples (particularly the automatically rebuilt ones), please let me know so I can fix them.
Sorry about any inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
Please visit the posts here and let me know if there's one that you would like converted. However, if you're in a hurry, Oliver W. Verbeek pointed out that you can find these posts on the Wayback Machine internet archive. They're not perfect and seem to be missing a few images, but they hold most of the post contents. Go here to see the site's index.
3/31/2024 |
💖 Easily bind gestures to controls in WPF and C#
8/2/2023 |
💖 Use a mask to overlay parts of one picture on another in C#
7/31/2023 |
💖 Mask saturated pixels in C#
7/30/2023 |
💖 Colorize images by remapping colors in C#
6/14/2023 |
💖 Draw a rotated hexagonal grid in C#
6/11/2023 |
💖 Calculate multifactorials in C#
4/30/2023 |
💖 Five books to make you a better software developer
3/31/2022 |
New Book: Beginning Database Design Solutions, Second Edition
3/31/2023 |
💖 Add drag and drop to the markdown conversion program in C# and Microsoft Word
3/12/2023 |
💖 Search files for target strings in C#
3/11/2023 |
💖 Make a cake clock in C#
3/10/2023 |
💖 Convert docx files to md files with C# and Microsoft Word
2/10/2023 |
💖 Programmatically center text at runtime with WPF and C#
2/7/2023 |
💖 Make folders in C#
2/1/2023 |
💖 Use a linked list to find prime numbers in C#
12/30/2022 |
💖 Rename JPEG files to JPG files in C#
11/26/2022 |
💖 Make a row/column montage editor in C#
11/26/2022 |
💖 Let the user select colors from menus in C#
11/26/2022 |
💖 Reconstruct a binary tree from its preorder and inorder traversals in C#
11/13/2022 |
New Book: Beginning Software Engineering, Second Edition
11/10/2022 |
💖 Draw an escape time polynomial fractal in C#
10/21/2022 |
💖 Add exponents to the complex number class in C#
10/20/2022 |
💖 Add square roots to the complex number class in C#
9/24/2022 |
💖 Draw rating stars in C#
8/31/2022 |
💖 Show sample EXIF orientations in C#
8/31/2022 |
💖 Improve the password generation program in C#
7/14/2022 |
💖 Copy cells from one Excel workbook to another in C#
7/2/2022 |
💖 Convert delimited strings to and from arrays of values in C#
6/19/2022 |
💖 Solve the inversion counting problem in C#
6/19/2022 |
💖 Create drawing extension methods in WPF and C#
5/12/2022 |
"Interview Puzzles Dissected" sample puzzle: We Robots
5/12/2022 |
"Interview Puzzles Dissected" sample puzzle: Three Birds
4/30/2022 |
💖 Use VBA to extract notes form a PowerPoint presentation
1/3/2022 |
💖 Copy folder structure in C#
1/2/2022 |
💖 Unblock files received from email or the internet in C#
12/2/2021 |
💖 Find palindrome dates in C#
11/10/2021 |
💖 Use regular expressions to rename files in a directory hierarchy in C#
11/6/2021 |
💖 Copy a C# project
10/1/2021 |
💖 Remove all event handlers from an event in C#
7/28/2021 |
💖 Display a colored battery status in C#
6/24/2021 |
💖 How to tabulate ranked voting in C#
6/13/2021 |
💖 Select rectangular areas in an image in WPF and C#
3/10/2021 |
💖 Use VBA code to add and remove a watermark on all pages in a Word document
3/5/2021 |
💖 Graph the gamma function in C#
2/28/2021 |
💖 Calculate the gamma function in C#
2/23/2021 |
💖 Find rectangles defined by a side and aspect ratio in C#
2/12/2021 |
💖 Zip files with the ZipFile class in C#
2/5/2021 |
💖 Simulate a doubling betting strategy in C#
1/28/2021 |
💖 Easily save and restore CheckedListBox values in the Registry in C#
1/26/2021 |
💖 Use k-means clustering to find clusters of data in C#
1/26/2021 |
💖 Automatically set camera distance in WPF and C#
1/19/2021 |
💖 Make numbered buttons in C#
12/1/2020 |
💖 Enlarge a polygon that has colinear vertices in C#
11/19/2020 |
💖 Use the mouse wheel to scale images while cropping them to a desired aspect ratio in C#
11/16/2020 |
💖 Allow scrolling while making a hexagonal montage in C#
11/6/2020 |
💖 Use XAML data binding to display an animated rectangle's location
10/31/2020 |
💖 Print product signs in C#
10/26/2020 |
💖 Display flash cards in C#
10/15/2020 |
💖 Label images at the bottom in C#
10/11/2020 |
💖 Split images into halves in C#
10/9/2020 |
💖 Allow scrolling while making a diagonal picture montage in C#
9/30/2020 |
💖 Find controls by name in WPF with C#
9/23/2020 |
💖 Let the user scribble on a background image in C#
9/21/2020 |
💖 Insert a table into a RichTextBox in C#
9/20/2020 |
💖 Draw a radar chart in C#
9/16/2020 |
💖 Create button images in WPF and C#
9/8/2020 |
💖 Overlay parts of images in C#
9/7/2020 |
💖 Brighten saturated pixels in an image in C#
9/5/2020 |
💖 Perform binary contrast enhancement more quickly in C#
9/2/2020 |
💖 Save a RichTextBox image in C#
8/31/2020 |
💖 Expand a ComboBox when the user presses Enter in C#
8/27/2020 |
💖 Make a blended composite image in C#
8/19/2020 |
💖 Crop scaled images to a desired aspect ratio in C#
8/15/2020 |
💖 Colorize images in C#
8/6/2020 |
💖 Test graphical transformations in C#
7/31/2020 |
💖 Use VBA code to pick random cells from a filtered selection in an Excel workbook
7/31/2020 |
💖 Make multi-image icons from files in C#
7/29/2020 |
💖 Make multi-image icon files in C#
7/23/2020 |
💖 Use command line arguments to open files in C#
7/21/2020 |
💖 Make a digital clock in C#
7/20/2020 |
💖 Draw LED-style letters in C#
7/19/2020 |
💖 Use Microsoft Print to PDF to create a PDF file in C#
7/13/2020 |
💖 Use menu commands with shortcuts to save and restore user-drawn polygons in C# and WPF
7/12/2020 |
💖 Pingback: Code Project post "Clipping Plane in WPF 3D"
7/10/2020 |
💖 Spiralize an image in C#
7/7/2020 |
💖 Let the user edit polygons in WPF and C#
7/7/2020 |
💖 Let the user draw a polygon in WPF and C#
7/6/2020 |
💖 Fill a target area found by trilateration in C#
7/3/2020 |
💖 Perform trilateration in C#
6/27/2020 |
💖 Draw many circles that intersect two points in C#
6/22/2020 |
💖 Connect two points with elliptical arcs in C#
6/20/2020 |
💖 Connect two points with arcs of midpoint circles in C#
6/13/2020 |
💖 Use VBA to make a Gantt chart showing work schedules
6/9/2020 |
💖 Create a Contain FillMode for filling polygons in C#
6/5/2020 |
💖 Find the angle between two vectors in C#
6/1/2020 |
💖 Crop scaled images to specific sizes in C#
5/31/2020 |
💖 Create a schedule for a round robin tournament with home teams in C#
5/25/2020 |
💖 Understand fill modes in C#
5/14/2020 |
💖 Make a random tree of generic TreeNode objects in C#
5/6/2020 |
💖 Prevent "underlying connection was closed" errors in C#
4/30/2020 |
💖 Understand bitwise operators in C#
4/27/2020 |
💖 Make bitmap extension methods that resize bitmaps in C#
4/26/2020 |
💖 Resize pictures in a directory to specific widths or heights in C#
4/23/2020 |
💖 Use code to make a slideshow in C# and WPF
4/8/2020 |
💖 Load a picture and manipulate pixels in WPF and C#
4/7/2020 |
💖 Build a Windows process tree in C#
4/6/2020 |
💖 Draw lines with gaps to show they are passing under other lines in C#
4/1/2020 |
💖 Recommended Book on CD: "The Serpent of Venice" by Christopher Moore
3/31/2020 |
💖 Animate maze solving, version 3
3/30/2020 |
💖 Animate maze solving, version 2
3/26/2020 |
💖 Quarantine Reading Suggestions
3/25/2020 |
💖 Recommended Book on CD: "Fool" by Christopher Moore
3/25/2020 |
💖 Animate maze solving, version 1
3/23/2020 |
💖 Solve mazes in C#
3/22/2020 |
💖 Make a simple program to analyze COVID-19 symptoms in C#
3/12/2020 |
💖 Move and resize polygons in WPF and C#
3/10/2020 |
💖 Move and resize multiple shapes in WPF and C#
3/7/2020 |
💖 Draw a horizontal compass in C#
2/25/2020 |
💖 Load enums at runtime to understand them and their attributes in C#
2/19/2020 |
💖 Draw an image circle in C#
2/10/2020 |
💖 Use the ColorMatrix and ImageAttributes classes to quickly modify image colors in C#
2/5/2020 |
💖 Draw a rounded polygon in C#
1/30/2020 |
💖 Use big toolstrip buttons in C#
1/27/2020 |
💖 Rotate images to straighten them in C#
1/23/2020 |
💖 Make a hexagonal montage of pictures in C#
1/20/2020 |
💖 Find drawn characters under the mouse in C#
1/16/2020 |
💖 Clip an image to a polygon in C#
1/9/2020 |
💖 Build a polygon selector class in C#
1/5/2020 |
💖 Arrange images on the corners of a polygon in C#
12/26/2019 |
💖 Make an improved diagonal picture montage in C#
12/20/2019 |
💖 Use VBA to randomize Excel selections
12/18/2019 |
💖 Understand range areas in Excel VBA
12/13/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw rotated skewed polygons in C#
12/8/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw rotated polygons with right angles in C#
12/4/2019 |
💖 Let the user save an image of a smooth curve in C#
11/28/2019 |
💖 Use a sprite class to animate bouncing cats in C#
11/19/2019 |
💖 Draw interlocked circles in C#
11/8/2019 |
💖 Draw arc wedges in C#
11/4/2019 |
💖 Make an Apollonian gasket filled with images in C#
10/27/2019 |
💖 Draw an image spiral in C#
10/22/2019 |
💖 Draw an improved heartagram in C#
10/18/2019 |
💖 Draw a heartagram in C#
10/14/2019 |
💖 Connect two line segments with a circular arc in C#
10/8/2019 |
💖 Crop images to specific sizes in C#
10/5/2019 |
💖 Draw on top of a background image in C#
10/2/2019 |
💖 Make a Word document with one picture on each page in C#
9/28/2019 |
💖 See which section is under the mouse in a sunburst chart in C#
9/25/2019 |
💖 Let the user drag ListBox items in C#
9/23/2019 |
💖 Let the user arrange ListBox items in C#
9/18/2019 |
💖 Make a Pinterest-style diagonal picture montage in C#
9/8/2019 |
💖 Study a fascinating color illusion in C#
9/3/2019 |
💖 Print circles centered inside other closely packed circles in C#
8/30/2019 |
💖 Change a DataGridView entry when the user double-clicks a cell in C#
8/28/2019 |
💖 Flow words around drop caps in C#
8/19/2019 |
💖 Flow words around obstacles for document layout in C#
8/17/2019 |
💖 Flow blocks around obstacles for document layout in C#
8/4/2019 |
💖 Serialize and deserialize multiple images in files in C#
7/31/2019 |
💖 Serialize and deserialize multiple images in C#
7/29/2019 |
💖 Let the user drag pictures in a picture list in C#
7/24/2019 |
💖 Improve the picture list in C#
7/22/2019 |
💖 Make a picture list in C#
7/18/2019 |
💖 Draw text with colors reversed along a sine wave in C#
7/17/2019 |
💖 Draw text with colors reversed along a diagonal line in C#
7/15/2019 |
💖 Draw text with colors reversed in its upper and lower halves in C#
7/13/2019 |
💖 Draw random rectangles in C#
7/10/2019 |
💖 Save a bitmap showing user drawn line segments in C#
7/3/2019 |
💖 Transparentify JPG images in C#
6/27/2019 |
💖 Make an image with rounded corners and a transparent background in C#
6/26/2019 |
💖 Add a watermark to all of the files in a directory in C#
6/23/2019 |
💖 Center text above or below a line segment in C#
6/21/2019 |
💖 Resize images in C#
6/18/2019 |
💖 Combine image slices in C#
6/13/2019 |
💖 Adjust an image's opacity in C#
6/11/2019 |
💖 Find hexes a certain distance from a target hex in C#
6/10/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw a polyline in WPF and C#
6/7/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw, move, and modify an arc in C#, Part 2
6/6/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw, move, and modify an arc in C#, Part 1
6/5/2019 |
💖 See whether a point is above an arc in C#
6/2/2019 |
💖 Make a pie slice drawing extension in WPF and C#
5/28/2019 |
💖 Book Review: Mission Python: Code a Space Adventure Game!
5/26/2019 |
Essential Algorithms, Second Edition: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms Using Python and C#
5/20/2019 |
💖 Make an intuitive extension method to draw an elliptical arc in WPF and C#
5/17/2019 |
💖 Draw an elliptical arc in WPF and XAML
5/15/2019 |
💖 Make drawing extension methods in WPF and C#
5/10/2019 |
💖 Make an image containing shadowed text in WPF and C#
5/8/2019 |
💖 "WPF 3d" is now available for Kindle
5/6/2019 |
💖 Use transparency when drawing with anti-aliasing in C#
5/1/2019 |
💖 Graph equations while preserving aspect ratio in WPF and C#
5/1/2019 |
Book: WPF 3d, Three-Dimensional Graphics with WPF and C#
4/30/2019 |
💖 Graph equations entered by the user in WPF and C#
4/24/2019 |
💖 Use XAML and code behind to draw and outline shapes with gradients in WPF and C#
4/22/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw a smooth curve with WPF and C#
4/17/2019 |
💖 Draw a smooth closed curve in WPF and C#
4/15/2019 |
💖 Draw a smooth curve in WPF and C#
4/13/2019 |
💖 Let the user draw a smooth curve in C#
3/29/2019 |
💖 Delete files from multiple folders quickly and easily in C#
3/27/2019 |
💖 Use sines and cosines to draw circles and ellipses in C#
3/26/2019 |
💖 "WPF 3d" code is available on GitHub
3/22/2019 |
💖 Calculate the great circle distance between two latitudes and longitudes in C#
3/15/2019 |
💖 Load Excel records into a DataGridView in C#
3/13/2019 |
💖 Make a picture with a transparent hole in it in C#
3/8/2019 |
💖 Let the user zoom on a picture and draw in C#
2/17/2019 |
💖 List strings with a particular style in a Microsoft Word document in C#
2/13/2019 |
💖 Segmented Turning Helper, Version 3
1/31/2019 |
😔 Make a Word document with multiple pages in C#
1/29/2019 |
💖 Solve Geometric Problems with C#
1/24/2019 |
💖 Pingback: Code Project post "Orbital Mechanics Introduction, Part 2"
1/24/2019 |
💖 Quick notes on the recent Windows update
1/17/2019 |
😔 Why you should study algorithms (plus a free book drawing)
1/10/2019 |
💖 Save and restore lines drawn by a WPF line editor in C#
1/6/2019 |
💖 Convert camel case into underscore case in C#
12/27/2018 |
💖 Create sized oval images in C#
12/24/2018 |
💖 Use WPF 3d techniques to draw a snowman with WPF and C#
12/20/2018 |
😔 Pingback: Code Project post "Clipping Plane in WPF 3D"
12/13/2018 |
💖 Create oval images in C#
12/8/2018 |
💖 Draw a randomly colored Sierpinski octagon in C#
12/1/2018 |
💖 Let the user draw lines in C#
11/27/2018 |
💖 Book review: Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction To Programming
11/26/2018 |
💖 Use a standard Windows dialog to let the user select folders in C#
11/23/2018 |
💖 Gary Beene's gbUnSnarl game
11/14/2018 |
💖 Find happy numbers in C#
11/8/2018 |
😔 Draw words on a circle in WPF and C#
11/6/2018 |
💖 Draw a hyperbolic spiral in C#
11/1/2018 |
💖 Draw a logarithmic spiral in C#
10/30/2018 |
💖 Draw a filled spiral in C#
10/29/2018 |
Book: The Modern C# Challenge: Become an expert C# programmer by solving interesting programming problems
10/26/2018 |
💖 Draw an Archimedes spiral in C#
10/22/2018 |
💖 Make a custom component in C#
10/17/2018 |
💖 Tile a board with randomly colored trominoes in C#
10/12/2018 |
💖 Tile a board with colored trominoes in C#
10/9/2018 |
💖 Tile a board with trominoes in C#
10/5/2018 |
😔 Draw text wrapped to fit columns in C#
10/4/2018 |
💖 Draw a randomly colored Sierpinski pentagon in C#
10/1/2018 |
💖 Draw a colored Sierpinski pentagon in C#
9/30/2018 |
💖 Initialize TextBox contents for the computer's locale in C#
9/26/2018 |
💖 Use label controls to draw a simple labeled histogram in C#
9/24/2018 |
💖 Draw a simple labeled histogram in C#
9/20/2018 |
💖 Rename files after their modification dates in C#
9/17/2018 |
💖 Find a Ducci sequence in C#
9/10/2018 |
💖 Encode and decode Futurama's alienese in C#
9/5/2018 |
💖 Separate glyphs in an image in C#, Part 2
9/3/2018 |
💖 Separate glyphs in an image in C#, Part 1
8/26/2018 |
💖 Videos vs Animated GIFs - Pros and Cons
8/23/2018 |
💖 Graph points in WPF and C#
8/13/2018 |
😔 Search files for target text in C#
8/9/2018 |
😔 Write Console window output to multiple places in C#
8/7/2018 |
💖 Redirect Console window output to a TextBox in C#
7/30/2018 |
💖 Get a weather forecast from openweathermap.org in C#
7/27/2018 |
💖 Draw rose curves in C#
7/23/2018 |
💖 Find two sets where the median of one is the mean of the other and vice versa in C#
7/19/2018 |
💖 Trim images in C#
7/16/2018 |
💖 Find Mersenne primes in C#
7/12/2018 |
💖 Display a progress bar with text in WPF and C#
7/10/2018 |
💖 Convert between ragged arrays and two-dimensional arrays
7/6/2018 |
💖 Perform image hashing in C#
6/25/2018 |
😔 Use the automatic code converters at developerFusion to convert C# code into Visual Basic, Ruby, and Python
6/20/2018 |
💖 Copy ListView data into an array in C#
6/19/2018 |
💖 Draw the spiral of Theodorus in C#
6/15/2018 |
💖 Add LINQ to autocomplete in C#
6/14/2018 |
💖 Improve autocomplete suggestion in C#
6/13/2018 |
💖 Suggest autocomplete words in C#
6/12/2018 |
💖 Build an MRU list that uses project settings in C#
6/11/2018 |
💖 Build an MRU list in C#
6/8/2018 |
😔 Useful tools and links
6/7/2018 |
💖 Get information about Windows shortcuts in C#
6/6/2018 |
💖 List the shortcuts in the computer's network neighborhood in C#
6/5/2018 |
💖 Tile a bitmap with a string in C#
6/4/2018 |
💖 Color the solutions to the "Find the squares in C#" puzzle
6/1/2018 |
💖 Solve the "Find the squares in C#" puzzle
5/31/2018 |
💖 Puzzle: Find the squares in C#
5/30/2018 |
💖 Save WriteableBitmap images in multiple formats in WPF and C#
5/29/2018 |
💖 Easily save a WriteableBitmap in WPF and C#
5/25/2018 |
💖 Easily manipulate pixels in WPF and C#
5/24/2018 |
💖 Display team names for a round robin tournament in C#
5/23/2018 |
💖 Save bitmap files in WPF and C#
5/22/2018 |
💖 Draw different styles of "illuminated" text in C#
5/21/2018 |
💖 Draw "illuminated" text in C#
5/17/2018 |
💖 Merge directories in C#
5/16/2018 |
💖 Use a FileSystemWatcher to build a spooler in C#
5/15/2018 |
💖 Implement interfaces explicitly or implicitly in C#
5/14/2018 |
💖 Understand ways to end case blocks in C#
5/10/2018 |
😔 Use a password protected Access database in C#
5/9/2018 |
💖 Generate a random password in C#
5/8/2018 |
😔 Why Twitter recently wanted you to change your password
5/8/2018 |
💖 Control a loop that uses floating-point values in C#
5/7/2018 |
💖 Display locale-aware sample dates and currency values in C#
5/5/2018 |
😔 Make locale-aware methods use a new culture at runtime in C#
5/4/2018 |
💖 Use PLINQ to select prime numbers from an array in C#
5/3/2018 |
💖 Use PLINQ to select even numbers from an array in C#
5/3/2018 |
😔 Disable the charms gesture in Windows 8 (and learn a bit about user interface design)
5/2/2018 |
😔 Make the user enter a password to use a program in C#
5/2/2018 |
😔 Make a Shakespeare insult generator in C#
5/1/2018 |
💖 Rearrange text and format it to initialize variables in C#
4/30/2018 |
💖 Make extension methods that pick random items from arrays or lists in C#
4/27/2018 |
💖 Draw a Pythagoras tree fractal in C#
4/26/2018 |
💖 Perform set operations on enumerable lists in C#
4/25/2018 |
💖 Draw a Sierpinski pentagon in C#
4/24/2018 |
😔 The most popular posts at C# Helper over the last 12 months
4/24/2018 |
💖 Determine whether two lists contain the same sequences of objects in different orders in C#
4/23/2018 |
💖 Determine whether two lists contain the same sequence of objects in C#
4/23/2018 |
😔 Draw ransom note text in a RichTextBox in C#
4/22/2018 |
💖 Draw ransom note text in C#
4/19/2018 |
💖 Find duplicate files in C#, Part 4 of 4
4/18/2018 |
💖 Find duplicate files in C#, Part 3 of 4
4/17/2018 |
💖 Find duplicate files in C#, Part 2 of 4
4/16/2018 |
💖 Find duplicate files in C#, Part 1 of 4
4/15/2018 |
😔 Write a CSV file from an array in C#
4/13/2018 |
💖 Calculate hash codes for a file in C#
4/12/2018 |
😔 Copy a directory hierarchy into the executable directory in C#
4/11/2018 |
💖 Use an animated cursor in C#
4/6/2018 |
😔 Display database pictures in a ListView control in C#
4/3/2018 |
💖 Create ListView icons at run time in C#
4/2/2018 |
💖 Use LINQ with an embedded lambda expression to find prime numbers in C# (Part 3 of 3)
3/31/2018 |
💖 Use more efficient LINQ to find prime numbers in C# (Part 2 of 3)
3/30/2018 |
💖 Use LINQ to find prime numbers in C# (Part 1 of 3)
3/29/2018 |
💖 Draw a cursor and use it at run time in C#
3/28/2018 |
💖 Let the user select the ScrollBar maximum in C#
3/27/2018 |
💖 Fix rectangle SmoothingMode problems in C#
3/26/2018 |
😔 Compress and decompress directories in C#
3/23/2018 |
💖 Understand region directives in C#
3/22/2018 |
💖 Disable Visual Studio warnings in C#
3/21/2018 |
💖 Use XML literals in C#
3/20/2018 |
💖 Use VBA macros to add hyperlinks to external files
3/19/2018 |
💖 Display icons next to ListView sub-items in C#
3/16/2018 |
💖 Display large and small ListView icons in C#
3/14/2018 |
💖 Get assembly information in C#
3/13/2018 |
💖 Use a custom dash pattern with WPF and XAML in C#
3/12/2018 |
💖 Use StringFormat to align text in columns in C#
3/9/2018 |
💖 Use tabs and StringFormat to align text in C#
3/8/2018 |
💖 Make a skinned form in C#, Part 2 (the code)
3/6/2018 |
💖 Make a skinned form in C#, Part 1 (the controls)
3/5/2018 |
💖 Use VBA to randomize cells in Excel
3/2/2018 |
💖 Make a PictureBox act like a button in C#
3/1/2018 |
💖 See if the internet is available in C#
2/27/2018 |
💖 Use reflection to list a class's events in C#
2/26/2018 |
💖 Use reflection to list a class's methods in C#
2/23/2018 |
💖 Use reflection to list the fields provided by the SystemInformation class in C#
2/22/2018 |
💖 Use reflection to list a class's fields in C#
2/21/2018 |
💖 Use reflection to list SystemInformation properties in C#
2/20/2018 |
💖 Use reflection to list a class's properties in C#
2/19/2018 |
💖 Copy files to the clipboard in C#
2/16/2018 |
💖 Paste files from the clipboard in C#
2/15/2018 |
💖 Display a horizontal scrollbar in a ListBox in C#
2/15/2018 |
😔 How to use the examples at C# Helper
2/14/2018 |
😔 Draw text on a circle in C#
2/13/2018 |
💖 List Dictionary keys and values in C#
2/12/2018 |
😔 Animate a point on a polar coordinate curve in C#
2/10/2018 |
💖 Combine images in rows and columns in C#
2/9/2018 |
Book: WPF 3d, Three-Dimensional Graphics with WPF and C#
2/9/2018 |
💖 Book Sample Pictures: WPF 3d
2/9/2018 |
💖 Graph a square curve in C#
2/8/2018 |
💖 Graph a curve in polar coordinates in C#
2/7/2018 |
💖 Create a PowerPoint presentation from a Word document in C#
2/6/2018 |
💖 Compare floating-point values safely in C#
2/5/2018 |
😔 Resize a RichTextBox to fit its contents in C#
2/4/2018 |
💖 Blank the WebBrowser control in C#
2/2/2018 |
💖 Make a scrolled window in C#
2/1/2018 |
💖 Resize a TextBox to fit its text in C#
1/30/2018 |
😔 Extract comments from a group of files in C#
1/26/2018 |
😔 Justify paragraphs in C#
1/26/2018 |
😔 Align text by lines in C#
1/25/2018 |
💖 Draw paragraphs one line at a time in C#
1/24/2018 |
💖 Print values in a grid in C#
1/23/2018 |
😔 Use Word to make a PDF containing pictures in C#
1/22/2018 |
💖 Make a Word document containing pictures in C#
1/19/2018 |
💖 Quick tip: Use pinvoke.net to get information about API functions for use in C#
1/18/2018 |
😔 Find Visual Studio's Immediate window
1/17/2018 |
💖 Map device coordinates to world coordinates in C#
1/15/2018 |
😔 How to send an SMS text message in C#
1/11/2018 |
😔 Calculate credit payments in WPF and C#
1/10/2018 |
😔 Extract part of a JSON file in C#
1/8/2018 |
😔 Write a TreeView into a tab-delimited file in C#
1/4/2018 |
💖 Use JSON to serialize and deserialize objects in C#
1/2/2018 |
😔 Display tooltips on a graph of an equation entered by the user in C#
12/30/2017 |
💖 Download and display a text file whenever a program starts in C#
12/30/2017 |
💖 Anatomy of an example
12/24/2017 |
💖 Make an owner-drawn ListBox that justifies columns in C#
12/22/2017 |
💖 Draw aligned columns of data in C#
12/20/2017 |
💖 Format values in a ListBox in C#
12/19/2017 |
💖 Right-justify values in a ListBox in C#
12/18/2017 |
💖 Delete files quickly and easily in C#
12/16/2017 |
💖 Understand the startup form (or main form) in C#
12/15/2017 |
💖 Find a form's screen in C#
12/14/2017 |
💖 Position a form so it does not stick off the edge of the screen in C#
12/13/2017 |
💖 Position a form over another form in C#
12/12/2017 |
💖 Use Debug and Trace listeners in C#
12/11/2017 |
💖 Use branch and bound to find the highest value path through a two-dimensional array of numbers in C#
12/8/2017 |
💖 Find the highest value path through a two-dimensional array of numbers in C#
12/7/2017 |
😔 Save Excel data in a PDF file in C#
12/6/2017 |
💖 Load a cursor from a resource in C#
12/5/2017 |
💖 Draw a Fibonacci word fractal in C#
11/29/2017 |
💖 Calculate Fibonacci words in C#
11/28/2017 |
💖 Use the Stopwatch class to time a program in C#
11/27/2017 |
💖 Use the BigInteger structure in C#
11/22/2017 |
💖 Make a context-sensitive AcceptButton in C#
11/21/2017 |
💖 A little light holiday reading
11/21/2017 |
💖 Initialize a TreeView control to display a directory hierarchy in C#
11/17/2017 |
😔 Cast arrays from one reference type to another in C#
11/16/2017 |
😔 Use a timer to make a form TopMost or BottomMost in C#
11/15/2017 |
💖 Make a form TopMost or BottomMost in C#
11/14/2017 |
💖 Make a StatusLabel display its text even if it doesn't fit in C#
11/13/2017 |
💖 Generate letters with given frequencies in C#
11/10/2017 |
💖 Make a text file a project resource in C#
11/9/2017 |
💖 Make a class define and raise events in C#
11/8/2017 |
💖 Use statement lambdas in C#
11/7/2017 |
💖 Use lambda expressions in C#
11/6/2017 |
💖 Use anonymous methods in C#
11/3/2017 |
💖 Use the predefined Action, Func, and EventHandler delegate types in C#
11/1/2017 |
💖 A quick note on error messages
11/1/2017 |
💖 Make a button display the picture beneath slightly grayed it in C#
10/31/2017 |
💖 Make a button display the picture beneath it in C#
10/30/2017 |
💖 Validate optional parameters in C#
10/28/2017 |
💖 Use named and optional parameters in C#
10/26/2017 |
💖 Display system metrics with descriptions in C#
10/25/2017 |
💖 Get system metrics in C#
10/24/2017 |
💖 Convert an array of bytes into an integer and back in C#
10/23/2017 |
💖 Make subarray extension methods in C#
10/19/2017 |
💖 Use Array.Copy to copy values in two-dimensional arrays in C#
10/16/2017 |
💖 Determine whether a year is a leap year in C#
10/14/2017 |
💖 Get a hard drive serial number in C#
10/14/2017 |
💖 Get a disk volume serial number in C#
10/12/2017 |
💖 Find class ancestors in C#
10/11/2017 |
💖 Find classes that implement an interface or that are descendants of a given class in C#
10/10/2017 |
😔 Display subscripts and superscripts in a RichTextBox in C#, version 2
10/5/2017 |
💖 List a program's loaded assemblies in C#
10/5/2017 |
😔 Get the computer's registered owner and organization in C#
10/3/2017 |
💖 Get the computer's operating system in C#
9/30/2017 |
😔 Draw a picture-filled histogram in C#
9/28/2017 |
😔 Write values in the Registry in C#
9/27/2017 |
💖 Read Registry values (to get the desktop icon size) in C#
9/26/2017 |
💖 Define custom exception classes in C#
9/25/2017 |
💖 See a hierarchy of exception classes for use in C#
9/23/2017 |
💖 Throw a standard exception in C#
9/21/2017 |
💖 Make a dice-rolling simulation in C#
9/20/2017 |
💖 Tile a PictureBox in C#
9/14/2017 |
💖 Use a symbiote to graphically select hours in C#
9/13/2017 |
💖 Graphically select hours in C#
9/12/2017 |
💖 Remove unnecessary using directives in C#
9/11/2017 |
💖 Draw the Weierstrass function in C#
9/11/2017 |
💖 Determine whether a file or directory exists in C#
9/8/2017 |
😔 Calculate Fibonacci numbers in several ways in C#
9/7/2017 |
💖 Recursively draw equations in C#
9/7/2017 |
😔 The C# Helper Top 100 now available at Amazon
9/5/2017 |
💖 Efficiently see if a string is blank in C#
9/4/2017 |
😔 Table of Contents: The C# Helper Top 100
9/4/2017 |
Book: The C# Helper Top 100
9/1/2017 |
😔 Change image resolution in C#
8/30/2017 |
💖 Examine the unique words in a Microsoft Word file in C#
8/29/2017 |
💖 Find random prime numbers in C#
8/28/2017 |
💖 Probabilistically determine whether a number is prime in C#
8/25/2017 |
💖 Iterate over items in an array with unknown dimensions in C#
8/24/2017 |
💖 Solution to puzzle: Zero rows and columns in an array in C#
8/23/2017 |
😔 Draw improved text on a curve in C#
8/22/2017 |
😔 Make a TextBox preview extender provider in C#
8/21/2017 |
😔 Make the user enter a float in C#
8/19/2017 |
💖 Preview TextBox changes in C#, Part 2
8/17/2017 |
💖 Preview TextBox changes in C#
8/16/2017 |
😔 Use Array methods in C#
8/15/2017 |
💖 Puzzle: Zero rows and columns in an array in C#
8/14/2017 |
😔 Compare performance looping over DateTime and integer variables in C#
8/11/2017 |
💖 Find Friday the Thirteenths in C#
8/11/2017 |
😔 Use == and != to compare structs in C#
8/10/2017 |
💖 Book Review: Super Scratch Programming Adventure!: Learn to Program By Making Cool Games
8/9/2017 |
😔 Animate rainbow colors in C#
8/8/2017 |
😔 Animate exploding 3-dimensional pie slices in C#
8/7/2017 |
💖 Use the mouse wheel to scale an image in C#
8/6/2017 |
😔 Use Windows Forms controls to make multiple stacked expanders in C#
8/5/2017 |
💖 Use Windows Forms controls to make an expander in C#
8/3/2017 |
💖 Calculate where a line segment and an ellipse intersect in C#
8/2/2017 |
💖 Make transparent button images in C#
8/1/2017 |
💖 List USB devices in C#
7/27/2017 |
💖 Draw "marching ants" dashed lines in C#
7/26/2017 |
💖 Draw dashed lines that are visible on any background in C#
7/25/2017 |
💖 Produce a repeatable series of "random" numbers in C#
7/22/2017 |
💖 Safely manage documents in C#
7/21/2017 |
💖 Get font size in pixels in C#
7/19/2017 |
💖 Draw smooth text in a GraphicsPath in C#
7/15/2017 |
💖 Create a class outside of any namespace statement in C#
7/15/2017 |
💖 Book Review: The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra
7/12/2017 |
💖 Get the screen's resolution in C#
7/8/2017 |
💖 Make Ctrl+A select all of the text in a TextBox in C#
7/7/2017 |
😔 Generate random polygons in C#
7/5/2017 |
💖 Make extension methods to generate random double values in C#
7/3/2017 |
💖 Iterate over the items in arrays and lists in C#
6/30/2017 |
😔 Print a ListView control's contents on multiple pages in C#
6/27/2017 |
😔 Update a DataTable that is bound to a DataGridView in C#
6/25/2017 |
😔 Print a ListView with large contents in C#
6/22/2017 |
💖 Print the contents of a ListView control in C#
6/21/2017 |
💖 Make rectangle extension methods in C#
6/19/2017 |
💖 Use string extension methods to validate Social Security numbers in C#
6/17/2017 |
💖 Understand the @ symbol in C#
6/16/2017 |
💖 Center a form on the screen at run time in C#
6/16/2017 |
💖 Understand when a finally block is executed in C#
6/3/2017 |
💖 Use a ProgressBar in C#
6/1/2017 |
💖 Make pop buttons in C#
5/29/2017 |
😔 Calculate the present value of a future amount of money in C#
5/27/2017 |
💖 Make silly eyes that track the mouse without flicker in C#
5/26/2017 |
💖 Make silly eyes that track the mouse in C#
5/26/2017 |
💖 Compare the performance of simple arithmetic operations in C#
5/25/2017 |
😔 Make a 3D globe in WPF and C#
5/25/2017 |
😔 Graph event probabilities in C#
5/24/2017 |
😔 Find the number of trials for an event probability in C#
5/23/2017 |
😔 Calculate the probability of an event occurring in a given number of trials in C#
5/22/2017 |
😔 Understand probabilities of unrelated events (and escaping zombies)
5/19/2017 |
😔 Display reusable dialog forms in C#
5/18/2017 |
💖 Make a TextBox with autocomplete in C#
5/17/2017 |
😔 Compare the performance of the int, long, and byte data types in C#
5/16/2017 |
💖 Compare the performance of the float, double, and decimal data types in C#
5/12/2017 |
💖 Save several images into Access in C#
5/10/2017 |
💖 Find .NET libraries for namespaces in C#
5/10/2017 |
💖 Load images from an Access database in C#
5/9/2017 |
💖 Save images in an Access database in C#
5/8/2017 |
💖 Use the Filter property to select image files in C#
5/5/2017 |
💖 Use filenames stored in a database to display images in C#
5/4/2017 |
💖 Move and resize multiple rectangles in WPF and C#
5/3/2017 |
💖 Display database records without data binding in C#
5/2/2017 |
💖 Initialize lists from databases without binding in C#
5/1/2017 |
💖 Check a TreeView subtree in C#
4/28/2017 |
😔 Display context menus for TreeView items in C#
4/27/2017 |
💖 Enumerate TreeView nodes in C#
4/26/2017 |
💖 Yield checked TreeView nodes in C#
4/25/2017 |
💖 Make a list of checked TreeView nodes in C#
4/24/2017 |
💖 Display tooltips for TreeView nodes in C#
4/21/2017 |
💖 Compare sorting algorithms in C#, part 5 of 5 (Countingsort)
4/21/2017 |
💖 Compare sorting algorithms in C#, part 4 of 5 (Quicksort)
4/20/2017 |
💖 Compare sorting algorithms in C#, part 3 of 5 (Selectionsort)
4/19/2017 |
💖 Compare sorting algorithms in C#, part 2 of 5 (Bubblesort)
4/18/2017 |
💖 Compare sorting algorithms in C#, part 1 of 5 (Array.Sort)
4/14/2017 |
😔 Run user-entered code that modifies the program's form in C#
4/13/2017 |
😔 Use the yield statement in C#
4/12/2017 |
💖 Understand AutoScaleMode in C#
4/11/2017 |
💖 Draw transformed text in C#
4/11/2017 |
💖 Tip: Make parentheses matching more visible in C#
4/10/2017 |
💖 Display tips in a status bar instead of a tooltip in C#
4/7/2017 |
💖 Make a sunburst chart in C#, Part 4
4/6/2017 |
💖 Make a sunburst chart in C#, Part 3
4/5/2017 |
💖 Make a sunburst chart in C#, Part 2
4/4/2017 |
💖 Make a sunburst chart in C#, Part 1
4/3/2017 |
💖 Make a status strip label that sticks to the right side of the form in C#
3/31/2017 |
💖 Parse file sizes in KB, MB, GB, and so forth in C#
3/30/2017 |
💖 Highlight the DataGridView row that is under the mouse in C#
3/29/2017 |
💖 Use accelerators on labels and buttons in C#
3/28/2017 |
💖 Compare the performance of incrementing statements in C#
3/27/2017 |
💖 Make a simple event logger in C#
3/25/2017 |
💖 Display a form's control hierarchy in C#
3/23/2017 |
💖 Loop over a form's controls in C#
3/22/2017 |
💖 Make a shaded ellipse control in C#
3/21/2017 |
💖 Quickly insert standard menu items on a form in C#
3/20/2017 |
💖 Give a class default indexer properties in C#
3/17/2017 |
😔 Solution: The 40 pound stone puzzle
3/16/2017 |
😔 Activate another running program in C#
3/15/2017 |
😔 Use digits of Pi to draw a picture in C#
3/15/2017 |
😔 Look for dates in the digits of Pi in C#
3/14/2017 |
💖 Find patterns within Pi in C#
3/14/2017 |
😔 Puzzle: The 40 pound stone
3/13/2017 |
💖 Make the basis for a card game in C#
3/13/2017 |
💖 Verify sizes of playing cards in C#
3/10/2017 |
😔 Use System.Threading.Timer to make a countdown timer in C#
3/8/2017 |
😔 Use an improved extension method to calculate standard deviation in C#
3/7/2017 |
💖 Remove a TextBox control's context menu in C#
3/6/2017 |
💖 Use ActiveControl to enabled and disable menu items in C#
3/2/2017 |
💖 Use the ActiveControl property in C#
3/1/2017 |
😔 Make a case-insensitive dictionary in C#
2/28/2017 |
💖 Understand string equality testing in C#
2/27/2017 |
💖 Use a Dictionary to store and retrieve items in C#
2/25/2017 |
💖 Compare the performance of string comparison methods in C#
2/24/2017 |
💖 Compare the performance of switch and if statements in C#
2/23/2017 |
💖 Draw, move, and delete line segments in VB.NET
2/21/2017 |
💖 Convert a Rectangle into a RectangleF and vice versa in C#
2/20/2017 |
😔 Make a hangman game in C#
2/16/2017 |
💖 Use LINQ to select words of certain lengths from a file in C#
2/15/2017 |
😔 Draw a golden spiral in C#
2/14/2017 |
😔 Draw a nested series of golden rectangles in C#
2/13/2017 |
💖 Examine the relationship between the Fibonacci sequence and phi in C#
2/11/2017 |
😔 Use a TextFieldParser to read fixed-width data in C#
2/10/2017 |
💖 Use a TextFieldParser to read delimited data in C#
2/8/2017 |
💖 Suspend or hibernate the system in C#
2/7/2017 |
💖 Make light pixels transparent in an image in C#
2/6/2017 |
💖 Draw a smiley face with WPF in C#
2/3/2017 |
😔 Rotate images that are scaled in C#
2/2/2017 |
😔 Rotate images inside a scrolled panel in C#
2/1/2017 |
😔 Explore the Visual Studio Image Library in C#
1/31/2017 |
💖 List controls on a form in C#
1/30/2017 |
💖 Give transparent backgrounds to images displayed on buttons in C#
1/26/2017 |
💖 Easily draw rotated text on a form in C#
1/25/2017 |
😔 Display the Astronomy Picture of the Day on the desktop in C#
1/24/2017 |
💖 Download the Astronomy Picture of the Day in C#
1/23/2017 |
😔 Randomly change the desktop picture in C#
1/20/2017 |
💖 Set the Windows desktop picture in C#
1/19/2017 |
💖 Convert RTF and TXT files into DOCX files in C#
1/17/2017 |
😔 Draw a scrolling family tree in C#
1/17/2017 |
💖 Remove non-printable ASCII characters from a string in C#
1/16/2017 |
💖 See what processes have a file locked in C#
1/13/2017 |
💖 Use "banker's rounding" and "normal rounding" in C#
1/12/2017 |
💖 See if a file is locked in C#
1/11/2017 |
💖 Map between host names and IP addresses in C#
1/10/2017 |
😔 List available culture codes in C#0
1/9/2017 |
💖 Make a cannon game in C#
1/6/2017 |
💖 Convert a bitmap into a cursor in C#
1/5/2017 |
💖 Use a bitmap for an icon in C#
1/4/2017 |
💖 Make a tool that creates PNG files with transparent backgrounds in C#
1/3/2017 |
💖 Give an image a transparent background in C#
1/2/2017 |
😔 Make a TextBox convert text into proper case in C#
12/31/2016 |
😔 Five hats puzzle solution
12/31/2016 |
😔 Five hats puzzle
12/30/2016 |
💖 Convert a string to proper case (title case) in C#
12/29/2016 |
💖 Make TextBoxes automatically convert case in C#
12/28/2016 |
💖 See if Internet Explorer uses a proxy in C#
12/27/2016 |
😔 Move a window with a title that matches a pattern in C#
12/26/2016 |
😔 Tile desktop windows in rows and columns in C#
12/23/2016 |
💖 Set another application's size and position in C#
12/23/2016 |
💖 Find a target window and minimize, maximize, or restore it in C#
12/23/2016 |
💖 Make a stopwatch in C#
12/21/2016 |
😔 Extract text from a metafile in C#
12/21/2016 |
😔 Enumerate the records in a metafile in C#
12/20/2016 |
💖 Draw an interesting pattern of circles in C#
12/19/2016 |
😔 Use BeginInvoke and callbacks to perform tasks asynchronously in C#
12/16/2016 |
💖 Use BeginInvoke and EndInvoke to perform tasks asynchronously in C#
12/15/2016 |
😔 Use base insets with custom end caps in C#
12/14/2016 |
😔 Hints for beginners without sacrificing efficiency
12/14/2016 |
💖 The ribbon interface: sacrificing usability for discoverability
12/13/2016 |
😔 Loop over an array of unknown dimension in C#
12/13/2016 |
😔 Loop over entries in an array of unknown length in C#
12/12/2016 |
😔 Display memory usage in C#
12/11/2016 |
😔 Sort ListView controls by all columns or clicked columns in C#
12/10/2016 |
😔 Add "extension properties" to classes in C#
12/9/2016 |
😔 Apply a color threshold to an image in C#
12/9/2016 |
😔 Adjust image translucency in C#
12/8/2016 |
😔 Provide gamma correction for an image in C#
12/7/2016 |
💖 Make stable appointments in C#
12/6/2016 |
💖 Display thumbnails for image files in a directory in C#
12/5/2016 |
😔 Draw outline graphics in C#
12/2/2016 |
😔 Graph currency rates over time in C#
12/2/2016 |
💖 Get currency exchange rates in C#
12/1/2016 |
😔 Get stock prices from different exchanges in C#
11/30/2016 |
💖 Make mazes with topographic features in C#
11/29/2016 |
💖 Make and draw a maze in C#
11/28/2016 |
💖 Graph equations entered by the user in C#
11/27/2016 |
💖 Graph an equation in C#
11/26/2016 |
💖 Find files in the startup directory in C#
11/23/2016 |
💖 Evaluate numeric expressions that are entered by the user in C#
11/23/2016 |
💖 List the locations of special folders in C#
11/22/2016 |
😔 List languages that you can compile at runtime in C#
11/21/2016 |
💖 Run user-entered code in C#
11/18/2016 |
💖 Display tooltips for ListView items in C#
11/17/2016 |
😔 Sample Puzzles for Interview Puzzles Dissected
11/17/2016 |
💖 Convert doc files into docx files in C#
11/16/2016 |
💖 Override WndProc to see when the user clicks any control on a form in C#
11/16/2016 |
💖 Save and restore line drawings in C#
11/15/2016 |
💖 Center the cursor over a particular control in C#
11/14/2016 |
💖 Take actions depending on the day of the week in C#
11/12/2016 |
💖 Find the Friday following a given date in C#
11/11/2016 |
💖 Create directories and intermediate directories in C#
11/11/2016 |
Book: Interview Puzzles Dissected
11/10/2016 |
💖 Generate self-avoiding walks one at a time in C#
11/9/2016 |
💖 Generate random self-avoiding walks in C#
11/8/2016 |
💖 Find corner-to-corner self-avoiding walks in C#
11/7/2016 |
💖 Find self-avoiding walks in C#
11/6/2016 |
💖 Find the word under the mouse in a RichTextBox control in C#
11/4/2016 |
💖 Enable commands in Visual Studio Express Edition
11/3/2016 |
😔 Circumscribe three tangent circles in C#
11/2/2016 |
😔 Overlay images in C#
11/1/2016 |
😔 Draw numbered buttons and save them into files in C#
10/31/2016 |
💖 Draw numbered circles and save them into files in C#
10/29/2016 |
💖 Animate images in C#
10/28/2016 |
💖 Draw gears in C#
10/24/2016 |
💖 Simulate mouse movement and clicks in C#
10/23/2016 |
💖 Let a thread call a form's methods in C#
10/21/2016 |
💖 Run threads with different priorities in C#
10/20/2016 |
💖 Sort words by letter count in C#
10/19/2016 |
💖 Count pixels of different colors in C#
10/18/2016 |
😔 Define and use bit masks in C#
10/18/2016 |
😔 Understand bit masks in C#
10/17/2016 |
💖 Use bit operations in C#
10/16/2016 |
💖 Solve the equilateral triangles puzzle in C#
10/16/2016 |
💖 Show solutions to the equilateral triangles puzzle in C#
10/14/2016 |
😔 Set font size to fit a wrapped label in C#
10/14/2016 |
💖 Set font size to fit a label in C#
10/10/2016 |
💖 Randomize two-dimensional arrays in C#
10/9/2016 |
💖 Get variable values by name in C#
10/6/2016 |
💖 Puzzle: Find the equilateral triangles in C#
10/4/2016 |
💖 Randomly color an Apollonian gasket in C#
9/30/2016 |
💖 Draw an Apollonian gasket in C#
9/28/2016 |
😔 Clone lists and arrays of objects in C#
9/26/2016 |
💖 Clone serializable objects in C#
9/21/2016 |
💖 Find the shortest distance between a point and a line segment in C#
9/20/2016 |
😔 Use MemberwiseClone the ICloneable interface in C#
9/19/2016 |
😔 Clone objects in C#
9/17/2016 |
💖 Convert latitudes and longitudes into distances on the globe in C#
9/16/2016 |
💖 Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius' Problem) in C#
9/16/2016 |
💖 Draw three circles and find their tangent circles in C#
9/15/2016 |
😔 Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in C#
9/15/2016 |
😔 Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in C#
9/13/2016 |
💖 Remove the Close button from a form's system menu in C#
9/11/2016 |
💖 Add delegates in C#
9/10/2016 |
💖 Convert a metafile into a PNG file in C#
9/9/2016 |
😔 Make a metafile in C#
9/6/2016 |
💖 Display a Windows metafile (wmf) in C#
9/4/2016 |
💖 Display battery status using a notify icon in C#
9/2/2016 |
😔 Make a Region from non-transparent pixels in C#
8/29/2016 |
💖 Scale images and save them in C#
8/27/2016 |
💖 Make shaped PictureBoxes in C#
8/24/2016 |
💖 Use XML comments in C#
8/22/2016 |
😔 Draw trees vertically or horizontally in C#
8/20/2016 |
💖 Use DrawImage to warp images in C#
8/19/2016 |
💖 Warp images arbitrarily in C#, Part 2
8/18/2016 |
💖 Warp images arbitrarily in C#, Part 1
8/17/2016 |
💖 Compare fuel efficiency in different units in C#
8/17/2016 |
😔 Compare car costs including long term mileage in C#
8/16/2016 |
💖 Draw an analog clock in C#
8/15/2016 |
💖 Use fuzzy lines to draw shadows in C#
8/13/2016 |
💖 Play an audio resource in C#
8/13/2016 |
💖 Play WAV files in C#
8/12/2016 |
😔 Handle NumericUpDown value change events in C#
8/12/2016 |
💖 Make a NumericUpDown use decimal values in C#
8/11/2016 |
😔 Use scrollbars to select RGB and HLS colors in C#
8/11/2016 |
💖 Convert between RGB and HLS color models in C#
8/10/2016 |
😔 Test investment strategies with Dow Jones data in C#
8/9/2016 |
💖 Graph historical Dow Jones Industrial Average values in C#
8/8/2016 |
😔 Compress JPG files in a directory in C#
8/5/2016 |
💖 Quickly pick JPG compression level in C#
8/5/2016 |
💖 Compress JPG files to a certain size in C#
8/5/2016 |
💖 Generate words of a given length in C#
8/5/2016 |
💖 Generate three-letter words in C#
8/4/2016 |
😔 Close Mozilla Firefox popups in C#
8/3/2016 |
💖 List desktop windows in C#
8/3/2016 |
💖 Load a CSV file in Excel in C#
8/2/2016 |
💖 Calculate interest for a loan in C#
8/1/2016 |
💖 Make an OwnerDraw ListView in C#
7/29/2016 |
💖 Drag a map to scroll in C#
7/27/2016 |
💖 Define map hotspots in C#
7/26/2016 |
💖 Display a scalable map with hotspots in C#
7/25/2016 |
💖 Display text on a ProgressBar in C#
7/23/2016 |
😔 Draw justified text in C#
7/22/2016 |
💖 Display map distance with limited significant digits in C#
7/21/2016 |
💖 Display significant digits in C#
7/20/2016 |
💖 Measure distance on a map with a scale in C#
7/16/2016 |
😔 Align numeric values in ComboBox and ListBox controls in C#
7/15/2016 |
😔 Sort partly numeric items in a ComboBox or ListBox in C#
7/14/2016 |
💖 Link ComboBox and ListBox data sources in C#
7/14/2016 |
💖 Warholize an image in C#
7/13/2016 |
😔 Animate a piston driving a wheel in C#
7/12/2016 |
💖 List an image's EXIF properties in C#
7/10/2016 |
💖 Make an enumeration of EXIF property IDs in C#
7/7/2016 |
💖 Use EXIF information to orient an image in C#
7/6/2016 |
😔 Animate two rods connected to a wheel in C#
7/5/2016 |
💖 Read an image file's EXIF orientation data in C#
7/4/2016 |
💖 Compare speeds of arithmetic operations in C#
7/2/2016 |
💖 Make two forms open each other in C#
7/1/2016 |
💖 Make a robot arm track the mouse in C#
7/1/2016 |
💖 Draw a robot arm with a hand that points downward in C#
6/31/2016 |
💖 Draw a simple robot arm with a hand in C#
6/29/2016 |
💖 Draw a simple robot arm in C#
6/28/2016 |
💖 Fill a shape with random lines in C#
6/27/2016 |
💖 Fill an ellipse with random lines in C#
6/24/2016 |
😔 Use WPF code to display subscripts and superscripts in C#
6/24/2016 |
😔 Display subscripts and superscripts in a WPF TextBlock in C#
6/23/2016 |
😔 Easily display subscripts and superscripts in a RichTextBox in C#
6/22/2016 |
💖 Display subscripts and superscripts in a RichTextBox in C#
6/21/2016 |
😔 Calculate credit payments in C#
6/20/2016 |
😔 Make a stacked graph showing compound interest in C#
6/19/2016 |
😔 Show compound interest graphically in C#
6/17/2016 |
💖 Calculate the value of a monthly investment in C#
6/16/2016 |
💖 Split image files in C#
6/15/2016 |
💖 Use a string collection setting in C#
6/6/2016 |
😔 Select and print multiple files in C#
6/6/2016 |
💖 Display the number of checked items in a CheckedListBox in C#
6/6/2016 |
💖 Set a print job name in C#
6/6/2016 |
💖 Determine the default printer in C#
6/6/2016 |
😔 See how much text fits in a rectangle in C#
6/6/2016 |
😔 Print a text file in C#
6/4/2016 |
💖 Make a console application in C#
6/3/2016 |
💖 Use the Obsolete attribute in C#
5/27/2016 |
💖 Find a matrix inverse in C#
5/26/2016 |
💖 Use the Conditional attribute to make a method non-callable in C#
5/25/2016 |
😔 Draw smoother cones using WPF and C#
5/24/2016 |
😔 Draw smooth cones using WPF and C#
5/20/2016 |
😔 Draw cones using WPF and C#
5/18/2016 |
😔 Make a temperature forecast in C#
5/16/2016 |
💖 Get weather forecast data in C#
5/14/2016 |
💖 Graph historical stock prices in C#
5/13/2016 |
💖 Give an application beautiful icons in C#
5/12/2016 |
💖 Provide multiple inheritance in C#
5/11/2016 |
💖 Define and implement an interface in C#
5/10/2016 |
😔 Display Google Maps for the computer's location in C#
5/10/2016 |
💖 Use the Location API to find the computer's latitude and longitude in C#
5/9/2016 |
😔 Display Google Maps for an address inside a form in C#
5/9/2016 |
💖 Display Google Maps for an address in C#
5/6/2016 |
💖 List birthdays in C#
5/6/2016 |
💖 Use file dialog filters in C#
5/3/2016 |
💖 Override a parent class method in C#
5/3/2016 |
💖 Make an initializing constructor for a child class in C#
5/3/2016 |
💖 Set the MessageBox default button in C#
5/2/2016 |
😔 Use a custom sort order for ListBox or ComboBox items in C#
4/29/2016 |
💖 Make extension methods that convert to and from Roman numerals in C#
4/29/2016 |
💖 Convert to and from Roman numerals in C#
4/28/2016 |
💖 Sort ListBox or ComboBox items in numeric order in C#
4/26/2016 |
💖 Easily reset file access and write times in C#
4/26/2016 |
💖 Make a slider with a value bar in C#
4/25/2016 |
💖 Resize an image to view its pixels in C#
4/22/2016 |
💖 Make a slider with a needle in C#
4/21/2016 |
💖 Enumerate metafile records in C#
4/20/2016 |
😔 Read and draw a metafile in C#
4/19/2016 |
💖 Make and use a metafile in C#
4/15/2016 |
💖 Find an image URI in a WPF program in C#
4/14/2016 |
💖 Remove tabs from a WPF TabControl at runtime in C#
4/13/2016 |
💖 Add tabs to a WPF TabControl at runtime in C#
4/8/2016 |
💖 Use the is operator in C#
4/7/2016 |
😔 Compare a list priority queue to a heap priority queue in C#
4/6/2016 |
💖 Make an efficient priority queue class in C#, Part 2
4/5/2016 |
💖 Make an efficient priority queue class in C#, Part 1
4/4/2016 |
💖 Map between nodes and node numbers in a binary tree in C#
4/1/2016 |
💖 Make animated labels in C#
4/1/2016 |
💖 Draw animated text in C#
3/31/2016 |
💖 Copy and paste scribble data in C#
3/31/2016 |
💖 Use XOR to swap two numbers in C#
3/30/2016 |
💖 Make a ComboBox display images with text in C#
3/29/2016 |
💖 Make a ComboBox display colors or images in C#
3/28/2016 |
💖 See if the mouse is over a curve in C#
3/27/2016 |
💖 Add useful extensions to the BitArray class in C#
3/27/2016 |
💖 Use the BitArray class in C#
3/26/2016 |
💖 Refine the complex number class in C#
3/25/2016 |
💖 Make a complex number class that works with real numbers in C#
3/24/2016 |
💖 Make a complex number class with equality in C#
3/22/2016 |
💖 Make a complex number class with overloaded operators in C#
3/18/2016 |
💖 Compare loop performance in C#
3/18/2016 |
💖 Draw 3-dimensional pie slices in C#
3/17/2016 |
💖 Draw an annotated pie chart in C#
3/16/2016 |
💖 Draw a labeled pie chart in C#
3/16/2016 |
💖 Draw a pie chart in C#
3/16/2016 |
💖 Fill and draw pie slices in C#
3/16/2016 |
💖 Use yield to generate prime numbers in C#
3/14/2016 |
😔 Load a WPF TreeView control from an XML file in C#
3/14/2016 |
💖 Check text data type in C#
3/10/2016 |
😔 Make a generic TreeNode class with link weights in C#
3/9/2016 |
💖 Make a list without duplicates in C#
3/7/2016 |
😔 Reset an Access autonumber field in C#
3/7/2016 |
💖 Get an autonumber value that was just inserted in C#
3/5/2016 |
💖 Perform multiple default actions in C#
3/5/2016 |
💖 Perform a default action without an accept button in C#
3/2/2016 |
💖 Interactively rotate images in C#
3/2/2016 |
💖 Rotate images in C#
3/1/2016 |
💖 Use SQL queries to display master-detail data in C#
2/28/2016 |
💖 Generate random data in an Access database in C#
2/26/2016 |
💖 Display master-detail data in a DataGrid in C#
2/25/2016 |
💖 Draw a recursive overlapping snowflake fractal in C#
2/25/2016 |
💖 Draw a recursive von Koch snowflake fractal in C#
2/25/2016 |
💖 Draw a recursive snowflake fractal in C#
2/24/2016 |
💖 Make an Excel chart in C#
2/24/2016 |
😔 Graph mosquito populations in C#
2/24/2016 |
💖 Simulate mosquito populations in C#
2/22/2016 |
💖 Calculate a row of Pascal's triangle in C#
2/22/2016 |
💖 Print a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion chart in C#
2/20/2016 |
💖 Draw a curly tree fractal using less memory in C#
2/19/2016 |
💖 Draw a curly tree fractal in C#
2/18/2016 |
💖 Use a scrollbar to select non-integer values in C#
2/16/2016 |
💖 Display a perspective image in C#
2/16/2016 |
😔 Hide the taskbar and start button in C#
2/16/2016 |
💖 Make a form cover the taskbar and start button in C#
2/15/2016 |
😔 Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in C#
2/15/2016 |
💖 Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in C#
2/13/2016 |
💖 Download images from a web page in C#
2/12/2016 |
😔 Draw a 3D heart using WPF and C#
2/11/2016 |
😔 Draw a parametric heart-shaped curve in C#
2/11/2016 |
💖 Map drawing coordinates without distortion in C#
2/9/2016 |
😔 Draw a curve with more sharply delineated colors in C#
2/9/2016 |
😔 Draw a curve with sharply delineated colors in C#
2/9/2016 |
💖 Draw a curve with multiple colors in C#
2/8/2016 |
💖 Easily map drawing coordinates in C#
2/5/2016 |
💖 Let the user select a folder in C#
2/4/2016 |
💖 Convert XPS files into PNG files in C#
2/3/2016 |
😔 Validate a form in C#
2/3/2016 |
💖 Use the Validating event in C#
2/2/2016 |
💖 Use tooltips in C#
2/1/2016 |
😔 Graph the values of a savings account, 401(k), and Roth IRA in C#
2/1/2016 |
💖 Compare a savings account to a 401(k) in C#
2/1/2016 |
💖 Reparent a control in C#
1/29/2016 |
😔 Draw four interlocking Heighway dragon fractals in C#
1/29/2016 |
😔 Center a Heighway dragon fractal in C#
1/29/2016 |
💖 Draw a Heighway dragon fractal in C#
1/29/2016 |
😔 Control serialization and deserialization in C#
1/29/2016 |
💖 Serialize and deserialize objects in C#
1/28/2016 |
💖 Find a polygon union in C#
1/27/2016 |
💖 Solve the skyline problem in C#
1/27/2016 |
😔 Draw text on a curve in C#
1/26/2016 |
💖 Draw text on a line segment in C#
1/26/2016 |
😔 Position a form in the screen's lower right corner in C#
1/26/2016 |
💖 Display battery status in a friendly way in C#
1/25/2016 |
💖 Draw rounded rectangles in C#
1/25/2016 |
💖 Get the screen's working area in C#
1/23/2016 |
😔 Clip a line segment to a polygon in C#
1/22/2016 |
💖 Display battery status in C#
1/16/2016 |
💖 Enlarge a polygon in C#
1/14/2016 |
😔 Print a calendar in C#
1/12/2016 |
💖 Get the name of the first day of the week in C#
1/11/2016 |
💖 Restart the print spooler in C#
1/9/2016 |
💖 Display the local time and GMT in C#
1/8/2016 |
💖 Get date format information for the computer's locale in C#
1/6/2016 |
💖 Sort and search arrays in C#
1/5/2016 |
💖 Make a rotating brush in C#
1/4/2016 |
😔 Make truncated dodecahedrons in WPF and C#
1/3/2016 |
😔 Make truncated tetrahedrons, octahedrons, and icosahedrons in WPF and C#
12/31/2015 |
😔 Make a truncated cube in WPF and C#
12/30/2015 |
😔 Initialize a Dictionary in C#
12/29/2015 |
💖 Draw round circles in scaled coordinate systems in C#
12/29/2015 |
😔 Initialize an array of arrays in C#
12/29/2015 |
💖 Perform binary contrast enhancement interactively in C#
12/28/2015 |
💖 Perform binary contrast enhancement on an image in C#
12/26/2015 |
😔 Initialize two-dimensional arrays in C#
12/22/2015 |
😔 Draw text with a moving brush in C#
12/21/2015 |
💖 Make a moving background in C#
12/19/2015 |
💖 Calculate standard deviation in C#
12/17/2015 |
💖 Make a simple histogram in C#
12/16/2015 |
💖 Easily draw platonic solids in WPF and C#
12/10/2015 |
💖 Study WPF 3D performance in C#
12/8/2015 |
💖 Make a stellate geodesic sphere with WPF and C#
12/7/2015 |
💖 Build a geodesic sphere with WPF and C#
12/4/2015 |
💖 Rotate a picture in C#
12/3/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 8: Icosahedron and dodecahedron
12/2/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 7: The dodecahedron
12/1/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 6: The icosahedron
11/30/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 5: Cube and octahedron
11/30/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 4: The octahedron
11/29/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 3: The cube
11/28/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 2: The tetrahedron
11/28/2015 |
💖 Platonic Solids Part 1: What are the Platonic solids?
11/24/2015 |
💖 Add and remove pictures in an Excel worksheet
11/24/2015 |
💖 Number files in a directory in C#
11/23/2015 |
😔 Convert a directory's files to grayscale in C#
11/22/2015 |
💖 Perform line clipping in C#
11/19/2015 |
💖 Perform line trimming in C#
11/19/2015 |
💖 Open a PDF file in C#
11/19/2015 |
💖 Get the program's memory usage in C#
11/19/2015 |
💖 Copy files into the executable directory in C#
11/13/2015 |
💖 Save a color palette in a program's settings in C#
11/12/2015 |
💖 Make a persistent color palette in C#
11/12/2015 |
💖 Make a standard color palette in C#
11/12/2015 |
💖 Print images in C#
11/3/2015 |
💖 Make a form fade out until it disappears in C#, Part 2
11/3/2015 |
💖 Make a form fade out until it disappears in C#
11/3/2015 |
💖 Draw a watermark in C#
11/2/2015 |
💖 Move items between two ListBoxes in C#
11/2/2015 |
💖 Display font samples for all installed fonts in WPF and C#
10/30/2015 |
💖 List colors in WPF and C#
10/30/2015 |
💖 Bind arrays and lists in C#
10/29/2015 |
💖 Set video position with a scroll bar with WPF in C#
10/28/2015 |
💖 Make a XAML button library in C#
10/27/2015 |
💖 Make a WPF button template in C#
10/26/2015 |
💖 Control a video with the WPF MediaElement in C#
10/23/2015 |
💖 Make video control buttons in WPF and C#
10/22/2015 |
💖 Save WPF control images in C#
10/20/2015 |
💖 Print at full scale in C#
10/20/2015 |
💖 Allow limited CheckBox selection in C#
10/19/2015 |
💖 Use a tristate CheckBox to show partial selections in C#
10/19/2015 |
💖 Use a tristate CheckBox in C#
10/16/2015 |
💖 Draw a hexagonal grid in C#
10/15/2015 |
💖 Draw a triangular grid in C#
10/14/2015 |
💖 Display sample formats for different locales in C#
10/14/2015 |
💖 Determine which pie slice is under the mouse in C#
10/13/2015 |
💖 List Dropbox directories and files in C#
10/13/2015 |
💖 Select printer resolution in C#
10/10/2015 |
💖 Let the user select a printer and then send a printout directly to it in C#
10/10/2015 |
💖 Send a printout directly to a specific printer in C#
10/9/2015 |
💖 Display Pascal's triangle in C#
10/9/2015 |
💖 Change print orientation and margins in C#
10/8/2015 |
💖 Make a montage editor in C#, Part 2
10/7/2015 |
💖 Make a montage editor in C#, Part 1
10/3/2015 |
💖 Make a Windows Forms application display icons at appropriate sizes in C#
10/1/2015 |
💖 Extract comments from a C# file in C#
9/29/2015 |
😔 Use steganography to hide Unicode message bytes in an image in C#
9/28/2015 |
😔 Use steganography to hide Unicode messages in an image in C#
9/25/2015 |
😔 Draw rainbow compound lines in WPF and C#
9/24/2015 |
😔 Make compound lines in WPF and C#
9/23/2015 |
😔 Draw an outlined path in WPF and C#
9/22/2015 |
😔 Survey: What should be in my upcoming graphics book?
9/22/2015 |
😔 Draw symmetric compound lines in WPF and C#
9/21/2015 |
💖 Make string extensions to URL encode and decode strings in C#
9/20/2015 |
💖 Draw a histogram with tooltips in C#
9/20/2015 |
💖 Draw a simple histogram in C#
9/18/2015 |
💖 Use a ColorMatrix to add a watermark to an image in C#
9/18/2015 |
💖 Add a watermark to an image in C#
9/17/2015 |
💖 Use command bindings globally in WPF and C#
9/17/2015 |
💖 Use custom command bindings in WPF and C#
9/16/2015 |
💖 Use pre-defined command bindings in WPF and C#
9/16/2015 |
😔 Make a selection dialog that uses a color wheel in C#
9/15/2015 |
😔 Draw a color wheel with alpha and saturation values in C#
9/14/2015 |
😔 Draw a colorful color wheel in C#
9/14/2015 |
💖 Draw a color wheel in C#
9/14/2015 |
😔 Use a notify icon to capture a screen image in C#
9/14/2015 |
💖 Read and write text in text files in C#
9/11/2015 |
💖 Display the predefined system icons in C#
9/10/2015 |
💖 Add a UAC shield to controls in C#
9/9/2015 |
💖 Plot data with standard deviation ranges in C#
9/8/2015 |
💖 Draw a scaled normal distribution in C#
9/4/2015 |
💖 Draw a normal distribution curve in C#
9/3/2015 |
💖 Convert enum values to and from strings in C#
8/29/2015 |
💖 List characters that are invalid in file and path names in C#
8/27/2015 |
💖 Let the user pick database search criteria in C#
8/26/2015 |
💖 Flush click events in C#
8/25/2015 |
💖 Animate the Tower of Hanoi problem in C#
8/24/2015 |
💖 Recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in C#
8/21/2015 |
💖 Animate gears with unequal sizes in C#
8/20/2015 |
💖 Animate gears in C#
8/14/2015 |
💖 Draw an animated atom in C#
8/13/2015 |
💖 Perform Windows Forms property animation in C#
8/12/2015 |
😔 Compare the performance of if-else and switch statements in C#
8/12/2015 |
💖 Compare the speeds of the conditional operator (ternary operator ?:) and the if-else statement in C#
8/12/2015 |
💖 Use the conditional operator (ternary operator ?:) in C#
8/10/2015 |
💖 Declare and initialize empty arrays in C#
8/7/2015 |
💖 Make a bobblehead in C#
8/6/2015 |
💖 Draw a big-headed politician in C#
8/5/2015 |
😔 Use a queue to draw a breadth-first colored binary tree in C#
8/5/2015 |
😔 Draw a breadth-first colored binary tree in C#
8/4/2015 |
😔 Draw a colored binary tree in C#
8/4/2015 |
💖 Recursively draw a binary tree in C#
8/3/2015 |
😔 Save images in an Access database in WPF and C#
7/31/2015 |
💖 Display images in an Access database in WPF and C#
7/30/2015 |
💖 Load an image at runtime in WPF and C#
7/29/2015 |
😔 Add ComboBox choices at runtime in C#
7/28/2015 |
😔 Continuously graph stock prices in C#
7/28/2015 |
💖 Move a form without a title bar in C#
7/27/2015 |
😔 Use image subtraction to compare images in C#
7/24/2015 |
😔 Compare images to find subtle differences in C#
7/23/2015 |
💖 Compare images to find differences in C#
7/23/2015 |
💖 Use a loop to load pictures in C#
7/22/2015 |
💖 Make a kaleidoscope program in C#
7/21/2015 |
💖 Pixellate parts of an image in C#
7/20/2015 |
💖 Make a closeup map in C#
7/10/2015 |
💖 Set the pixels in a WPF bitmap in C#
7/10/2015 |
💖 Recursively perform red eye reduction on a picture in C#
7/10/2015 |
💖 Perform red eye reduction on a picture in C#
7/10/2015 |
💖 Manage the recycle bin (wastebasket) in C#
7/9/2015 |
💖 Use WMI to get operating system information in C#
7/9/2015 |
💖 Zoom and scroll a picture drawn in C#
7/9/2015 |
💖 Format DataGridView columns in C#
6/29/2015 |
😔 Change audio gain in C#
6/26/2015 |
😔 Plot functions in C#, Part 3
6/25/2015 |
😔 Plot functions in C#
6/23/2015 |
😔 Make an HTML table of thumbnail images in C#
6/22/2015 |
😔 Make thumbnails and a web page to display the images in a directory in C#
6/21/2015 |
💖 Find files that match multiple patterns in C#
6/19/2015 |
😔 Add tabs to a TabControl at runtime in C#
6/17/2015 |
💖 Graph the sine, cosine, and tangent functions in C#
6/17/2015 |
😔 Make an improved owner-drawn TabControl in C#
6/16/2015 |
😔 Find Egyptian fractions in C#
6/15/2015 |
😔 Make a Fraction class in C#
6/12/2015 |
💖 Find shortest paths in a network C#
6/11/2015 |
😔 Use a control array in C#
6/10/2015 |
💖 Prevent Visual Studio from running programs with syntax errors
6/9/2015 |
😔 Zoom and crop a picture in C#
6/8/2015 |
💖 Use PixelOffsetMode in C#
6/6/2015 |
😔 Crop a picture in C#
6/5/2015 |
💖 Get and set file times in C#
6/4/2015 |
😔 Create a Visual Studio toolbar button
6/3/2015 |
💖 Create a Visual Studio tool
6/1/2015 |
💖 Display line numbers in the Visual Studio code editor
5/31/2015 |
💖 List the unique words in a Microsoft Word file in C#
5/29/2015 |
😔 Rotate around a point other than the origin in C#
5/28/2015 |
😔 Make an infinite series of menus in C#
5/27/2015 |
💖 Make generic Min and Max methods in C#
5/25/2015 |
💖 Create menu items at run time with images, shortcut keys, and event handlers in C#
5/23/2015 |
💖 Let the user draw rubber band ellipses (or other shapes) in C#
5/20/2015 |
💖 Make Windows shutdown, reboot, log off, lock, hibernate, and sleep in C#
5/18/2015 |
💖 Initialize arrays with ranges or repeated values in C#
5/16/2015 |
💖 Print a grid of values with alternating row colors in C#
5/15/2015 |
💖 Make a countdown timer in C#
5/14/2015 |
💖 Set RichTextBox tab stops in C#
5/14/2015 |
💖 Format text in a RichTextBox in C#
5/13/2015 |
😔 Make a class that wraps arrays with non-zero lower bounds in C#
5/12/2015 |
💖 Make a default indexer property for a class in C#
5/11/2015 |
💖 Make arrays with non-zero lower bounds in C#
5/10/2015 |
💖 Copy arrays quickly in C#
5/8/2015 |
💖 Draw a variety of fractal strange attractors in C#
5/8/2015 |
💖 Draw stars inside polygons in C#
5/8/2015 |
😔 Render text onto a RenderTargetBitmap with WPF and C#
5/8/2015 |
😔 Get font metrics in a WPF program using C#
5/4/2015 |
💖 Easily render rotated text in a WPF program using C#
5/1/2015 |
💖 Render text filled with an image in a WPF program using C#
4/30/2015 |
💖 Render outlined text in a WPF program using C#
4/29/2015 |
💖 Render text easily in a WPF program using C#
4/29/2015 |
💖 Render text in a WPF program using C#
4/28/2015 |
💖 Render polygons and polylines in a WPF program using C#
4/27/2015 |
💖 Render dashed lines in a WPF program using C#
4/26/2015 |
💖 Render an ellipse in a WPF program using C#
4/25/2015 |
💖 Remove part of an image in C#
4/24/2015 |
💖 Size a font to fit a Label in C#
4/20/2015 |
💖 Display an end user license agreement (EULA) in C#
4/19/2015 |
💖 Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament in C#
4/17/2015 |
💖 Animate a rectangle moving along a path in WPF and C#
4/16/2015 |
💖 Draw smooth spheres using WPF and C#
4/15/2015 |
💖 Draw spheres using WPF and C#
4/14/2015 |
💖 Draw smooth cylinders using WPF and C#
4/13/2015 |
💖 Draw cylinders using WPF and C#
4/11/2015 |
💖 Remove non-digits or non-letters from a string in C#
4/10/2015 |
💖 Draw a 3D surface from a set of data points with an altitude map using WPF and C#
4/9/2015 |
😔 Merge splash screens and videos in a directory in C#
4/8/2015 |
😔 Merge videos in C#
4/6/2015 |
😔 Draw a curve with negative tension in C#
4/3/2015 |
😔 Draw a curve with varying tensions in C#
4/2/2015 |
😔 Change tension for a smooth curve in C#
4/1/2015 |
Book: Beginning Software Engineering
4/1/2015 |
💖 Draw a smooth curve connecting points in C#
3/31/2015 |
💖 Let the user zoom on a picture in C#
3/30/2015 |
💖 Provide autosave in C#
3/27/2015 |
💖 Provide undo and redo in C#
3/26/2015 |
💖 Save and restore pictures drawn by the user in C#
3/25/2015 |
💖 Let the user scribble with different line styles in C#
3/24/2015 |
💖 Let the user scribble on a PictureBox in C#
3/20/2015 |
😔 Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in C#
3/19/2015 |
😔 Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in C#
3/18/2015 |
😔 Use steganography to hide messages in an image in C#
3/17/2015 |
😔 Graph several pi approximations in C#
3/16/2015 |
😔 Approximate pi using several different methods in C#
3/15/2015 |
💖 Graph pi approximations in C#
3/14/2015 |
💖 In honor of Pi Day (3.14), approximate pi in C#
3/12/2015 |
😔 Use set operators in C#
3/10/2015 |
💖 Perform set operations in C#
3/9/2015 |
💖 (Book review) Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms
3/9/2015 |
😔 Obscure parts of a picture for privacy in C#
3/6/2015 |
💖 Understand event bubbling and tunneling in WPF and C#
3/5/2015 |
💖 Get the executing method name in C#
3/4/2015 |
💖 Enumerate pairs of objects in arrays or IEnumerables in C#
3/3/2015 |
💖 Use vectors to manage bouncing balls in C#
3/2/2015 |
💖 Use sprites to animate several bouncing balls in C#
3/1/2015 |
💖 Animate several bouncing balls in C#
2/28/2015 |
💖 Make a bouncing ball animation in C#
2/27/2015 |
💖 Make a WPF line editor C#
2/25/2015 |
💖 Measure character positions when drawing long strings in C#
2/24/2015 |
💖 Play tones with specific frequencies in C#
2/20/2015 |
💖 Play an audio resource in C#
2/18/2015 |
💖 Drag and drop images while displaying a preview in C#
2/18/2015 |
💖 Drag and drop text with feedback in C#
2/18/2015 |
💖 Drag and drop images in C#
2/18/2015 |
💖 Drag and drop text in C#
2/17/2015 |
💖 Add a ToString extension method to the TimeSpan structure in C#
2/16/2015 |
💖 Find elapsed time in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds in C#
2/15/2015 |
💖 Find the days, hours, minutes, or seconds between two dates in C#
2/13/2015 |
💖 Draw a family tree in C#
2/12/2015 |
💖 Draw a tree with nodes containing pictures in C#
2/11/2015 |
💖 Handle generic TreeNode mouse events in C#
2/10/2015 |
💖 Make a generic TreeNode class in C#, Part 2
2/9/2015 |
💖 Make a generic TreeNode class in C#, Part 1
2/6/2015 |
💖 Make a generic priority queue class in C#
2/4/2015 |
💖 Draw lines with custom end caps in C#
2/4/2015 |
💖 Draw lines with end caps in C#
2/4/2015 |
💖 Draw lines with custom dash patterns in C#
2/3/2015 |
💖 Draw dashed lines with different dash cap styles in C#
2/3/2015 |
💖 Draw dashed lines with different styles in C#
2/2/2015 |
💖 Use WMI to get the number of physical and logical processors in C#
2/1/2015 |
💖 Use branch and bound with an initial heuristic to solve the partition problem in C#
1/31/2015 |
💖 Use branch and bound to solve the partition problem in C#
1/30/2015 |
💖 Use exhaustive search to solve the partition problem in C#
1/29/2015 |
💖 Run a DOS application and capture its output in C#
1/28/2015 |
💖 Make CAPTCHA images with overlapping characters in C#
1/28/2015 |
💖 Make CAPTCHA images in C#
1/26/2015 |
💖 Draw a Sierpinski carpet in C#
1/26/2015 |
💖 Draw a Sierpinski triangle in C#
1/26/2015 |
💖 Make menus at run time for a WPF application in C#
1/22/2015 |
😔 Print stars in C#
1/21/2015 |
💖 Get file size and last modification time on an FTP server in C#
1/20/2015 |
💖 Upload files to an FTP server in C#
1/20/2015 |
💖 Upload text into a file on an FTP server in C#
1/19/2015 |
😔 Graph stock prices downloaded from the internet in C#
1/17/2015 |
💖 Convert between long and short file names in C#
1/16/2015 |
💖 Get stock prices from the internet in C#
1/16/2015 |
😔 Change program locale at runtime in C#
1/16/2015 |
😔 Test localized programs in C#
1/13/2015 |
😔 Localize a program in C#
1/12/2015 |
😔 Select N random items from an array in C#
1/12/2015 |
💖 Select random objects from an array in C#
1/11/2015 |
💖 Draw, move, and delete line segments in C#
1/7/2015 |
💖 Understand taxicab numbers in C#
1/6/2015 |
💖 Make owner drawn tooltips with pictures in C#
1/6/2015 |
💖 Make owner drawn menus in C#
1/6/2015 |
💖 Calculate Nth roots in C#
1/5/2015 |
💖 List unique words in a text file in C#
1/5/2015 |
💖 Access firewall information and check firewall status using the dynamic keyword in C#
1/5/2015 |
💖 Display Unicode symbols in C#
1/4/2015 |
💖 Draw a Phoenix set fractal in C#
1/4/2015 |
😔 Draw smooth graphics in C#
12/31/2014 |
💖 Draw on a bitmap in C#
12/30/2014 |
💖 Draw in a Paint event handler in C#
12/29/2014 |
💖 Let controls share event handlers in C#
12/28/2014 |
💖 Use the params keyword in C#
12/27/2014 |
💖 Split and join strings in C#
12/26/2014 |
💖 Get the system's board serial numbers and CPU IDs in C#
12/24/2014 |
💖 Make a blinking label in WPF and C#
12/22/2014 |
💖 Let the user move and resize a rectangle in WPF and C#
12/20/2014 |
💖 Register a program for a particular system in C#
12/20/2014 |
💖 Set form client size in C#
12/20/2014 |
💖 Size forms to fit their contents in C#
12/19/2014 |
😔 Draw a Bezier curve by hand in C#
12/19/2014 |
💖 Draw a Bezier curve in C#
12/19/2014 |
💖 Find, open, and replace text in files in C#
12/18/2014 |
💖 Find files and replace text in them in C#
12/16/2014 |
💖 Improve the jigsaw puzzle program in C#
12/15/2014 |
💖 Make a jigsaw puzzle in C#
12/11/2014 |
💖 Send secret Santa emails in C#
12/9/2014 |
💖 Calculate the number of secret Santa permutations in C#
12/8/2014 |
💖 Pick a secret Santa assignment in C#
12/6/2014 |
💖 Send email in C#
12/5/2014 |
💖 Make extension methods that randomize arrays and lists in C#
12/5/2014 |
💖 Draw lines with arrowheads in C#
12/5/2014 |
💖 Display unique progress bars in C#
12/4/2014 |
😔 Review of my book C# 5.0 Programmer's Reference
12/4/2014 |
😔 Partition an area with circles and draw each region's count in C#
12/2/2014 |
💖 Display a simple password dialog before a program starts in C#
12/1/2014 |
😔 Find a Region centroid in C#
12/1/2014 |
😔 Find the area where circles overlap in C#
12/1/2014 |
😔 Find the tangent lines between two circles in C#
11/30/2014 |
💖 Remove the hyperlinks from a Word document in C#
11/30/2014 |
😔 Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in C#
11/29/2014 |
😔 Print a form or control in C#
11/29/2014 |
💖 Force garbage collection in C#
11/28/2014 |
💖 Handle DataGridView errors in C#
11/28/2014 |
💖 Build a DataTable and bind it to a DataGridView in C#
11/28/2014 |
💖 Bind a DataGrid to a DataSet holding multiple tables at runtime in C#
11/27/2014 |
😔 List OLE DB providers installed on the system in C#
11/27/2014 |
😔 Draw a labeled line graph that displays value tooltips in C#
11/27/2014 |
💖 Map points between coordinate systems in C#
11/27/2014 |
😔 Execute ad hoc SQL commands in C#
11/26/2014 |
💖 Execute ad hoc SQL queries in C#
11/26/2014 |
💖 Compare LINQ speeds for different approaches in C#
11/26/2014 |
💖 Use LINQ to find a bounding box for a list of PointF in C#
11/26/2014 |
💖 Use LINQ Min, Max, and Average extension methods in C#
11/25/2014 |
💖 Read a CSV file into an array in C#
11/25/2014 |
😔 Use Newton's method to draw fractals for polynomial equations in C#
11/25/2014 |
😔 Use Newton's method to draw fractals for equations of the form F(z) = z^C - C^z in C#
11/25/2014 |
😔 Use Newton's method to draw a fractal in C#
11/23/2014 |
😔 Make a modal context menu in C#
11/22/2014 |
💖 How to become an expert programmer
11/18/2014 |
😔 Make an owner-drawn ListBox with pictures in C#
11/17/2014 |
💖 Make an owner-drawn ListBox in C#
11/15/2014 |
💖 Get the current time from the NIST server in C#
11/15/2014 |
😔 Convert dates into an ordinal format (as in August 20th, 2020) in C#
11/15/2014 |
💖 Convert an integer into an ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in C#
11/15/2014 |
😔 Add a picture to a Word document in C#
11/15/2014 |
💖 Create a Word document in C#
11/15/2014 |
😔 Draw a filled chrysanthemum curve in C#
11/15/2014 |
💖 Draw a chrysanthemum curve in C#
11/11/2014 |
💖 See where a line intersects a conic section in C#
11/10/2014 |
💖 See where two conic sections intersect in C#
11/10/2014 |
💖 Select a conic section in C#
11/10/2014 |
💖 See where a parabola and hyperbola intersect in C#
11/9/2014 |
💖 Read Excel data in C#
11/9/2014 |
💖 Write Excel data in C#
11/8/2014 |
😔 Control the print preview dialog in C#
11/7/2014 |
💖 Scale a drawing to fit a target area in C#
11/7/2014 |
😔 Use double buffering to prevent flicker in a PictureBox in C#
11/7/2014 |
😔 Use double buffering to prevent flicker when drawing in C#
11/7/2014 |
💖 Draw a colored butterfly curve in C#
11/7/2014 |
😔 Draw an animated epitrochoid in C#
11/7/2014 |
💖 Draw an epitrochoid in C#
11/7/2014 |
😔 Use TabControl accelerators in C#
11/6/2014 |
😔 Make an owner-drawn TabControl in C#
11/6/2014 |
💖 Generate and display HTML in C#
11/5/2014 |
💖 Understand C# regular expression symbols
11/5/2014 |
💖 Replace text in the lines of a string in C#
11/5/2014 |
💖 Replace text matching a pattern in C#
11/5/2014 |
💖 Show regular expression matches in C#
11/4/2014 |
💖 Use a BackgroundWorker in C#
11/3/2014 |
💖 Use multiple threads to draw a graph in C#
11/2/2014 |
💖 Draw a conic section from its polynomial equation in C#
11/2/2014 |
💖 See where two ellipses intersect in C#, Part 4
11/2/2014 |
💖 See where two ellipses intersect in C#, Part 3
11/2/2014 |
💖 See where two ellipses intersect in C#, Part 2
11/2/2014 |
💖 See where two ellipses intersect in C#, Part 1
11/1/2014 |
💖 Use Newton's method to find the roots of equations in C#
11/1/2014 |
💖 Calculate the formula for an ellipse selected by the user in C#
11/1/2014 |
💖 Calculate the formula for a circle selected by the user in C#
10/31/2014 |
😔 Select parts of a scaled image in a PictureBox with different SizeMode values in C#
10/30/2014 |
💖 Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in C#
10/30/2014 |
💖 Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in C#
10/30/2014 |
💖 Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in C#
10/30/2014 |
💖 Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in C#
10/30/2014 |
💖 Use Gaussian elimination to solve a system of equations in C#
10/29/2014 |
💖 Display custom colors in the color selection dialog in C#
10/28/2014 |
💖 Rainbowize an image in C#
10/28/2014 |
💖 Use an ImageAttributes object to apply general color tones to an image in C#
10/28/2014 |
💖 Use an ImageAttributes object to convert an image to shades of red, green, or blue in C#
10/28/2014 |
💖 Use an ImageAttributes object to convert an image to sepia tone in C#
10/28/2014 |
💖 Use an ImageAttributes object to convert an image to monochrome in C#
10/28/2014 |
💖 Use an ImageAttributes object to adjust an image's brightness in C#
10/27/2014 |
💖 Quickly convert an image to grayscale in C#
10/24/2014 |
😔 Validate a switch statement that uses values from an enumerated type in C#
10/24/2014 |
😔 Let the user select and deselect 3D objects using WPF and C#
10/23/2014 |
💖 Perform hit testing in a 3D program that uses WPF, XAML, and C#
10/22/2014 |
😔 Use segments to draw 3D axes with tic marks using WPF and C#
10/22/2014 |
😔 Use segments to draw 3D arrows using WPF and C#
10/22/2014 |
😔 Draw triangle vertex normals on a 3D model using WPF and C#
10/21/2014 |
😔 Draw surface normals on a 3D model using WPF and XAML
10/20/2014 |
💖 Draw a 3D wireframe using WPF and C#
10/18/2014 |
💖 Draw improved 3D line segments using WPF and C#
10/18/2014 |
💖 Draw interlocked tetrahedrons in a cage of "line segments" using WPF and C#
10/18/2014 |
😔 Draw two interlocked tetrahedrons defined by a cube using WPF and C#
10/17/2014 |
💖 Use a dictionary to draw a 3D Menger sponge fractal more efficiently using WPF, XAML, and C#
10/17/2014 |
💖 Draw a 3D Menger sponge fractal using WPF, XAML, and C#
10/16/2014 |
💖 Apply textures to triangles using WPF and C#
10/15/2014 |
💖 Fully justify paragraphs of text in C#
10/15/2014 |
💖 Fully justify a line of text in C#
10/14/2014 |
💖 Create a 3D surface very quickly with WPF, XAML, and C#
10/14/2014 |
💖 Create a 3D surface more quickly with WPF, XAML, and C#
10/14/2014 |
💖 Draw a smooth 3D surface with WPF, XAML, and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Draw a 3D surface with WPF, XAML, and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Understand 3D drawing with WPF, XAML, and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Use static resources to customize a XAML program
10/13/2014 |
💖 Use static resources to draw three interlocked boxes using XAML and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Draw three interlocked boxes using XAML and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Draw interlocked tetrahedrons using XAML and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Rotate a tetrahedron with crisp edges using XAML and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Rotate a tetrahedron using XAML and C#
10/13/2014 |
💖 Make a 3D cube with pictures on its sides with XAML and C#
10/12/2014 |
💖 Make a continuously spinning 3D cube with XAML and C#
10/12/2014 |
💖 Rotate a 3D cube using XAML and C#
10/10/2014 |
💖 Draw a 3D surface overlaid with a shaded altitude map using WPF and C#
10/10/2014 |
💖 Draw a 3D surface overlaid with a grid using WPF and C#
10/10/2014 |
😔 Initialize a ComboBox from an enumeration in C#
10/10/2014 |
😔 Convert between Pascal case, camel case, and proper case method 2 in C#
10/10/2014 |
💖 Convert between Pascal case, camel case, and proper case in C#
10/9/2014 |
💖 Draw and move polygons snapping them to a grid in C#
10/8/2014 |
💖 Let the user draw polygons, move them, and add points to them in C#
10/7/2014 |
💖 Let the user draw and move polygons in C#
10/7/2014 |
💖 Let the user draw polygons in C#
10/6/2014 |
💖 Draw and move line segments snapping to a grid in C#
10/5/2014 |
💖 Draw and move line segments in C#
10/4/2014 |
😔 Use a GraphicsPath to determine whether a point lies inside a polygon in C#
10/4/2014 |
😔 Use the File.Replace method to backup files in C#
10/4/2014 |
💖 Make a log file with multiple overflow versions in C#
10/4/2014 |
💖 Use the Debug class's Assert method to find bugs in C#
10/2/2014 |
😔 Use a NotifyIcon in C#
10/1/2014 |
💖 Make a close-up window for an image in C#
10/1/2014 |
💖 Draw 2D and 3D borders in C#
9/30/2014 |
😔 Use nullable parameters in C#
9/30/2014 |
😔 Use null to simulate optional parameters in C#
9/30/2014 |
💖 Use overloaded methods to simulate optional parameters in C#
9/30/2014 |
💖 Calculate and highlight DataGridView values in C#
9/30/2014 |
💖 Initialize DataGridView controls with objects in C#
9/29/2014 |
😔 Draw a colored fractal curve generated by prime numbers in C#
9/29/2014 |
😔 Draw a fractal curve generated by prime numbers in C#
9/29/2014 |
💖 Set DataGridView column styles in C#
9/29/2014 |
💖 Use the predefined system colors in C#
9/29/2014 |
💖 Encrypt or decrypt files in C#
9/26/2014 |
💖 Convert between byte arrays and hexadecimal strings in C#
9/26/2014 |
💖 Generate random strings in C#
9/26/2014 |
😔 Draw a fractal generated by prime numbers in C#
9/26/2014 |
💖 Map numeric values to and from colors in a color gradient in C#
9/25/2014 |
💖 Let the user drag an image with transparent pixels over a background image in C#
9/24/2014 |
😔 Zoom on a graph with XAML code in C#
9/24/2014 |
😔 Zoom on a graph in WPF and C#
9/24/2014 |
💖 Let the user click on graph points in WPF and C#
9/23/2014 |
💖 Draw a graph with rotated text in WPF and C#
9/23/2014 |
💖 Draw a graph with labels in WPF and C#
9/22/2014 |
💖 Draw a graph with even tic marks in WPF and C#
9/21/2014 |
💖 Use transformations to draw a graph in WPF and C#
9/20/2014 |
💖 Draw a graph in WPF and C#
9/19/2014 |
💖 See what kinds of data are available in the clipboard and display them in C#
9/19/2014 |
💖 Get the image of a control or form, or a form's client area in C#
9/19/2014 |
😔 Save an image of the computer's screen in a file in C#
9/19/2014 |
💖 Copy and paste data in multiple formats to the clipboard in C#
9/19/2014 |
💖 Copy and paste objects to the clipboard in C#
9/19/2014 |
💖 Print data in rows and columns in C#
9/18/2014 |
💖 Use the DotNetZip library to compress and decompress files in C#
9/18/2014 |
😔 Draw level curves for an array of z values in C#
9/17/2014 |
😔 Draw level curves for functions of two variables z = F(x, y) in C#
9/17/2014 |
😔 Plot a heart-shaped function in C#
9/17/2014 |
😔 Use a type converter with a PropertyGrid control in C#
9/17/2014 |
😔 Use PropertyGrid descriptions and categories in C#
9/17/2014 |
💖 Use a PropertyGrid to let the user edit objects in C#
9/17/2014 |
💖 Make a shaped form by setting its region in C#
9/16/2014 |
💖 Plot a smiley face function in C#
9/16/2014 |
💖 Pass a method to another method in C#
9/16/2014 |
💖 Plot an equation containing two variables in C#
9/15/2014 |
💖 Sort a ListView using the column you click in C#
9/14/2014 |
😔 Sort a ListView control using all of its columns in C#
9/14/2014 |
💖 Implement an interface in C#
9/14/2014 |
💖 Draw text filled with a picture in C#
9/14/2014 |
💖 Use VBA code to pick random cells from the currently selected cells in an Excel workbook
9/13/2014 |
💖 What is WPF and why should you care?
9/12/2014 |
💖 Use regular expressions to rename files within a date range and that match a pattern in C#
9/12/2014 |
💖 Write a graphical floodfill method in C#
9/12/2014 |
💖 Paste a PNG format image with a transparent background from the clipboard in C#
9/12/2014 |
💖 Copy an irregular area from a picture to the clipboard in C#
9/12/2014 |
💖 Copy an irregular area from one picture to another in C#
9/11/2014 |
💖 Find the ListView row and column under the mouse in C#
9/11/2014 |
💖 Easily add column headers and items to a ListView control in C#
9/11/2014 |
💖 Use regular expressions to rename files that match a pattern in C#
9/10/2014 |
😔 Format an XML file so it looks nice in C#
9/10/2014 |
😔 Use objects to make an XML document in C#
9/10/2014 |
💖 Build a formatted XML document in memory in C#
9/10/2014 |
💖 Load a TreeView from a tab-delimited file in C#
9/10/2014 |
💖 Load a TreeView control from an XML file in C#
9/10/2014 |
💖 Automatically resize ListView columns to fit their data in C#
9/10/2014 |
💖 Copy data in a two-dimensional array into a ListView control in C#
9/10/2014 |
💖 Use the Bitmap class's RotateFlip method to easily flip and rotate an image in C#
9/9/2014 |
💖 Use an event handler for multiple controls in C#
9/9/2014 |
💖 Invoke public methods by using their names in C#
9/9/2014 |
💖 Use DrawPolygon and DrawLines to draw shapes (and understand the different results) in C#
9/9/2014 |
💖 Explore Unicode characters in C#
9/8/2014 |
💖 Use preprocessor directives in C#
9/8/2014 |
💖 Use mathematical and other special symbols in HTML code
9/8/2014 |
💖 Display animated GIFs and change them at run time in C#
9/8/2014 |
💖 Draw a skewed Sierpinski gasket with any number of corners in C#
9/6/2014 |
💖 Draw a Sierpinski gasket in C#
9/6/2014 |
💖 Determine where two circles intersect in C#
9/5/2014 |
💖 Determine where a line intersects a circle in C#
9/5/2014 |
💖 Use WPF to make a download button in C#
9/4/2014 |
💖 Draw an ellipse that sort of looks like a button in C#
9/4/2014 |
💖 Use the using statement to automatically call Dispose in C#
9/3/2014 |
💖 Redraw a form whenever it resizes in C#
9/3/2014 |
💖 Compare the speeds of different methods for string concatenation in C#
9/3/2014 |
💖 Draw a Pickover strange attractor fractal in C#
9/3/2014 |
💖 Make an extender provider that validates required TextBoxes in C#
9/2/2014 |
💖 Learn why a form is closing in C#
9/2/2014 |
💖 Apply a filter to make a color embossed image in C#
9/2/2014 |
💖 Pixellate an image and create other effects in C#
9/2/2014 |
💖 Use image filters to perform edge detection, smoothing, embossing, and more in C#
9/2/2014 |
💖 Convert bases decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in C#
9/2/2014 |
💖 Understand font aliasing issues in C#
8/29/2014 |
💖 Use value equality to compare font objects in C#
8/29/2014 |
💖 Display a font selection dialog with an Apply button in C#
8/29/2014 |
💖 Make a program display its own binary code in three ways in C#
8/27/2014 |
💖 Use the Bitmap32 class to manipulate image pixels very quickly in C#
8/27/2014 |
💖 Add GetPixel and SetPixel methods to the Bitmap24 class in C#
8/27/2014 |
💖 Use the Bitmap24 class to manipulate image pixels very quickly in C#
8/27/2014 |
😔 Let the user move the center point of elliptical gradient in C#
8/27/2014 |
💖 Fill an area with an elliptical gradient in C#
8/27/2014 |
💖 Fill a polygon with a PathGradientBrush in C#
8/27/2014 |
💖 Use a LinearGradientBrush in C#
8/26/2014 |
💖 Select full rows in a ListView and store extra information with ListView rows in C#
8/26/2014 |
💖 Parse currency values in C#
8/25/2014 |
😔 Draw striped lines in C#
8/25/2014 |
💖 Draw a star with a given number of points in C#
8/25/2014 |
💖 Draw a non-intersecting star in C#
8/25/2014 |
💖 Draw a star in C#
8/23/2014 |
😔 See how much time a checked block takes in C#
8/23/2014 |
💖 Control overflow behavior with checked and unchecked in C#
8/22/2014 |
😔 Use a bitmap to visualize composite runs in C#
8/22/2014 |
😔 Find runs of composite numbers (non-primes) in C#
8/21/2014 |
😔 Use a bitmap to visualize odd primes in C#
8/21/2014 |
😔 Use a bitmap to visualize primes in C#
8/21/2014 |
💖 Use Euler's Sieve to find prime numbers in C#
8/21/2014 |
💖 Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers in C#
8/21/2014 |
💖 Make a checked GroupBox in C#
8/21/2014 |
💖 Change control stacking order in C#
8/20/2014 |
😔 Make menu items behave like check boxes in C#
8/20/2014 |
💖 Make toolstrip buttons act like radio buttons in C#
8/20/2014 |
💖 Make menu items act like radio buttons in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Select ComboBox or ListBox values that contains target text in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Draw a timezone conversion chart in C#
8/19/2014 |
💖 Use Microsoft Word to make a timezone conversion chart in C#
8/19/2014 |
💖 List the defined locales in C#
8/19/2014 |
💖 List timezones in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Use custom numeric formats in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Use custom date and time formats in C#
8/19/2014 |
💖 Use standard numeric formats in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Use standard date and time formats in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Use the DateTime class's standard formatting methods in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Use ListView data to generate HTML TABLE code in C#
8/19/2014 |
😔 Use groups in a ListView control in C#
8/18/2014 |
😔 Draw text filled with random colored circles in C#
8/18/2014 |
😔 Draw text filled with random colored lines in C#
8/18/2014 |
😔 Draw text in random colors in C#
8/18/2014 |
💖 Draw text filled with random lines in C#
8/18/2014 |
😔 Draw text filled with text in C#
8/18/2014 |
💖 Draw hollow text in C#
8/17/2014 |
💖 Use try catch blocks to protect against unexpected errors in C#
8/15/2014 |
😔 Use TryParse to parse values entered by the user in C#
8/15/2014 |
💖 Parse user-entered values in C#
8/15/2014 |
😔 Draw a smooth vortex fractal in C#
8/15/2014 |
💖 Draw a vortex fractal in C#
8/15/2014 |
💖 Draw a curlicue fractal in C#
8/15/2014 |
💖 Draw rainbow text in C#
8/15/2014 |
💖 Get font metrics in C#
8/15/2014 |
💖 Measure character positions in a drawn string in C#
8/15/2014 |
😔 Use LINQ to list files and file sizes in a directory in C#
8/14/2014 |
😔 Use reflection to enumerate HatchStyle values and display samples of them in C#
8/14/2014 |
😔 Use reflection to easily list the values defined by an enumerated type in C#
8/14/2014 |
💖 Use reflection to list the values defined by an enum in C#
8/14/2014 |
😔 Display images of the cursors available in C#
8/14/2014 |
😔 Copy, cut, and paste parts of an image to the clipboard in C#
8/13/2014 |
💖 Use a rubber band box to let the user select an area in a picture in C#
8/13/2014 |
💖 Find a minimal bounding circle of a set of points in C#
8/13/2014 |
💖 Draw a circle through three points in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Find the shortest distance between two line segments in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Determine where two lines intersect in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Copy and paste text to and from the clipboard C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Calculate the factorial function and use Debug.Assert in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Give classes auto implemented properties and initializing constructors in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Initialize arrays, lists, and class instances in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Override a class's ToString method to allow controls such as ListBox to display objects in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Start another program and wait until it finishes in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Open a file with the system's default application in C#
8/12/2014 |
💖 Combine and resolve relative paths in C#
8/11/2014 |
💖 Draw an animated hypotrochoid (Spirograph curve) in C#
8/11/2014 |
💖 Draw a hypotrochoid (Spirograph curve) in C#
8/11/2014 |
💖 Calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) and least common multiple (LCM) of two integers in C#
8/10/2014 |
💖 Generate all selections of K items from a set of N items in C#
8/10/2014 |
💖 Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in C#
8/10/2014 |
💖 Generate all of the permutations of a set of objects in C#
8/10/2014 |
💖 Make a notepad application that uses encryption in C#
8/10/2014 |
💖 Make a password manager in C#
8/8/2014 |
💖 Use cryptographic methods to generate a random password in C#
8/8/2014 |
💖 Use a cryptographic random number generator in C#
8/8/2014 |
💖 Use the .NET cryptography library to make extension methods that encrypt and decrypt strings in C#
8/7/2014 |
💖 Protect a program from SQL injection attacks in C#
8/5/2014 |
💖 Use WMI to get information including the operating system's name in C#
8/5/2014 |
💖 Make a web browser that only allows certain web sites in C#
8/5/2014 |
💖 Provide printing and print previews with advanced features for Windows Forms applications in C#
8/4/2014 |
💖 Provide print previews and printing for Windows Forms applications in C#
8/4/2014 |
💖 Create controls for a tic-tac-toe application at run time in C#
8/3/2014 |
💖 Make a shaped button in C#
8/1/2014 |
💖 Use the TableLayoutPanel control in C#
8/1/2014 |
💖 Post some book reviews!
7/31/2014 |
💖 Find a number's prime factors in C#
7/30/2014 |
💖 Perform geometric operations on polygons in C#
7/29/2014 |
💖 Find a minimal bounding rectangle for a polygon in C#
7/29/2014 |
💖 Triangulate a polygon in C#
7/29/2014 |
💖 Find the centroid of a polygon in C#
7/29/2014 |
💖 Reverse the orientation of a polygon in C#
7/29/2014 |
💖 Determine whether a polygon is oriented clockwise or counterclockwise in C#
7/28/2014 |
💖 Calculate the area of a polygon in C#
7/28/2014 |
💖 Determine whether a point is inside a polygon in C#
7/28/2014 |
💖 Determine whether a polygon is convex in C#
7/27/2014 |
💖 Draw a Sierpinski fractal curve in C#
7/27/2014 |
💖 Draw a strange attractor fractal in C#
7/27/2014 |
💖 Make a dialog with standard dialog features in C#
7/25/2014 |
💖 Use standard dialogs in C#
7/25/2014 |
💖 Use WndProc to read Windows messages in C#
7/24/2014 |
💖 Find the convex hull of a set of points in C#
7/24/2014 |
💖 Align text drawn by DrawString in C#
7/23/2014 |
💖 Sort objects in C#
7/23/2014 |
💖 Use WMI to get detailed printer information in C#
7/23/2014 |
💖 Display font samples on a computer in C#
7/22/2014 |
💖 Let the user select rectangular areas in an image in C#
7/22/2014 |
💖 Optimize JPEG compression level and file size in C#
7/22/2014 |
💖 Format file sizes in KB, MB, GB, and so forth in C#
7/22/2014 |
💖 Easily save and restore a form's settings in the Registry in C#
7/22/2014 |
💖 Change image file types in a directory in C#
7/21/2014 |
💖 Resize pictures in a directory in C#
7/21/2014 |
💖 Resize images and save the results in C#
7/21/2014 |
💖 Save images with an appropriate format depending on the file name's extension in C#
7/21/2014 |
💖 Load images without locking their files in C#
7/20/2014 |
💖 Save and restore program settings in C#
7/20/2014 |
💖 Calculate logarithms in different log bases in C#
7/19/2014 |
💖 Convert between Excel-style column numbers and names in C#
7/19/2014 |
💖 Make a transparent form and let the user move it in C#
7/17/2014 |
💖 Set tab positions inside a ListBox or TextBox in C#
7/17/2014 |
💖 Draw a Mandelbrot set fractal with smoothly shaded colors in C#
7/17/2014 |
💖 Use a Complex number class to draw a Mandelbrot set fractal easily in C#
7/17/2014 |
💖 Draw a Mandelbrot set fractal in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 Programmatically adjust the splitter in a SplitContainer control in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 List installed fonts on your system in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 Get command line arguments in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 Calculate compound interest over time in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 Find controls by name in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 Make a string extension to determine whether a string matches a regular expression in C#
7/16/2014 |
💖 Make random groups of people or other objects in C#
7/14/2014 |
💖 Randomize arrays in C#
7/13/2014 |
💖 Make an extension method to convert numbers into words in C#
7/13/2014 |
💖 Evaluate mathematical expressions with code in C#
7/13/2014 |
💖 Download files from the web in C#
7/13/2014 |
💖 Execute ad hoc database commands in C#
7/12/2014 |
💖 Measure elapsed time in C#
7/12/2014 |
💖 Use resources to hold images, text, and other data, and load it at run time in C#
7/12/2014 |
💖 Place a notify icon in the notification area in C#
7/12/2014 |
💖 Search files in a directory hierarchy for a target string in C#
7/12/2014 |
💖 Create controls at runtime and add them to a form or inside a container in C#
7/11/2014 |
💖 Draw a Barnsley fern fractal in C#
7/11/2014 |
💖 Override ToString to allow controls such as ListBox to display objects in C#
7/11/2014 |
💖 Draw rotated text in C#
7/11/2014 |
💖 Add items to the Send To menu
7/11/2014 |
💖 Programmatically add new rows to an unbound DataGridView control in C#
7/11/2014 |
💖 Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in C#
7/11/2014 |
💖 Draw a Hilbert curve fractal in C#
7/10/2014 |
💖 Test different methods that compare directories to see which files they have in common in C#
7/10/2014 |
💖 Compare directories to see which files they have in common in C#
7/10/2014 |
💖 Draw backwards text in C#
7/10/2014 |
💖 Get information about a disk drive such as size and available space in C#
7/10/2014 |
💖 Play system sounds: beep, asterisk, question, etc. in C#