Title: Use WMI to get operating system information in C#
When the program starts, it executes the WMI query SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem. It loops through the results and calls subroutine GetValue for each of the many system parameters that should be available. The following code shows just a couple of the GetValue calls
// Get and display OS properties.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ManagementObjectSearcher os_searcher =
new ManagementObjectSearcher(
"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
foreach (ManagementObject mobj in os_searcher.Get())
GetValue(mobj, "BootDevice");
GetValue(mobj, "BuildNumber");
GetValue(mobj, "BuildType");
GetValue(mobj, "Caption");
GetValue(mobj, "CodeSet");
// Auto-size the columns.
foreach (ColumnHeader col in lvwResults.Columns)
col.Width = -2;
The code first creates a ManagementObjectSearcher to execute the query. (To use this class, add a reference to System.Management and add a using statement for System.Management.)
Next the code loops through the returned ManagementObjects (there should be only one) and calls the GetValue method to get a bunch of values from the ManagementObject.
The following code shows the GetValue method.
// Get a value from the ManagementObject.
private void GetValue(ManagementObject mobj, string property_name)
string value;
value = mobj[property_name].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
value = "*** Error: " + ex.Message;
This method uses the property's name as a ManagementObject index. It converts the property into a string (if possible) and adds the name and its value to the program's ListView control.
This example fetches these properties:
- BootDevice
- BuildNumber
- BuildType
- Caption
- CodeSet
- CountryCode
- CreationClassName
- CSCreationClassName
- CSDVersion
- CSName
- CurrentTimeZone
- DataExecutionPrevention_Available
- DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications
- DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers
- DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy
- Debug
- Description
- Distributed
- EncryptionLevel
- ForegroundApplicationBoost
- FreePhysicalMemory
- FreeSpaceInPagingFiles
- FreeVirtualMemory
- InstallDate
- LargeSystemCache
- LastBootUpTime
- LocalDateTime
- Locale
- Manufacturer
- MaxNumberOfProcesses
- MaxProcessMemorySize
- MUILanguages[]
- Name
- NumberOfLicensedUsers
- NumberOfProcesses
- NumberOfUsers
- OperatingSystemSKU
- Organization
- OSArchitecture
- OSLanguage
- OSProductSuite
- OSType
- OtherTypeDescription
- PAEEnabled
- PlusProductID
- PlusVersionNumber
- Primary
- ProductType
- QuantumLength
- QuantumType
- RegisteredUser
- SerialNumber
- ServicePackMajorVersion
- ServicePackMinorVersion
- SizeStoredInPagingFiles
- Status
- SuiteMask
- SystemDevice
- SystemDirectory
- SystemDrive
- TotalSwapSpaceSize
- TotalVirtualMemorySize
- TotalVisibleMemorySize
- Version
- WindowsDirectory
Download the example to experiment with it and to see additional details.