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Title: A quick note about the .NET Graphics book Kickstarter

[A quick note about the .NET Graphics book Kickstarter]

Several people have told me, "I will definitely buy the book when it's finished." Unfortunately that's not the way Kickstarter works.

You need to sign up now to receive a copy of the book. If we reach the project goal, then I'll write the book. If we don't reach the goal, then the book will not be written and you won't be charged any money.

I hope to sell additional copies of the book after it's written to people who didn't support the project on Kickstarter, but I'm planning to raise the price (perhaps to $35) so you get a better deal if you support the project now.

If you truly want to buy the book, you have nothing to lose by supporting the Kickstarter project, but if everyone waits until it's finished, the book will never be written!

Please follow the link below to look at the project and support it if you want a copy of the book.

.NET Graphics Programming Omnibus

Download the example to experiment with it and to see additional details.

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