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Title: New Book: The Modern C# Challenge

[New Book: The Modern C# Challenge]

My latest book, The Modern C# Challenge, is now available. It's a collection of 100 programming challenges that let you test your ability in a wide variety of programming topics, many of which are not usually covered in traditional programming books. Example solutions are included for all of the problems and many demonstrate important programming concepts that can help you get the best performance out of your normal programming challenges.

To learn more about the book at Amazon, look below the buying options tabs for the "Key Features" heading and click the "Read more" link. The book is available for Kindle now and should be available in paperback on February 11, 2019.

Here's the table of contents in brief.

  1. Mathematics
  2. Geometry
  3. Dates and Times
  4. Randomization
  5. Strings
  6. Files and Directories
  7. Advanced C# and .NET Features
  8. Simulations
  9. Cryptography

Some of the topics include files and directories, geometry, simulations, randomization, the yield keyword, factoring, prime factors, simulations, dynamic programming, statistics, combinations, permutations, recursion, Fibonacci numbers, binomial coefficients, greatest common divisors and least common multiples, amicable numbers, root finding, solving systems of linear equations, calculating areas, Monte Carlo simulation, convexity testing, working times with time zones, random walks, Roman numerals, generating passwords, making thumbnails, and cryptography.

Download the example to experiment with it and to see additional details.

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